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Xylylene-Glycoluril Macrocycles



Rok publikování 2018
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Bambusurils1 are potent anion receptors that are synthetized by acidic condensation of 2,4-disubstituted glycolurils and formaldehyde. They were used to detect and quantify anions in a complex mixture by NMR2. In order to allow anion sensing by UV-VIS spectroscopy, we designed a new bambusuril derivative incorporating aromatic groups in its structure. Here we report preparation of xylylene-glycoluril macrocycles. Inspired by work of prof. Shimizu on aromatic-urea macrocycles3, we employed basic synthetic conditions instead of the acid catalyzed condensation. It afforded us with macrocycles of various sizes (Fig. 1), which were separated by reverse-phase flash chromatography. The conformational behavior of separated isomers of two-membered macrocycles were studied by temperature dependent NMR. The three-membered macrocycle was observed in a gas phase to bind anions.
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