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Consumer knowledge and young consumer purchase behaviour towards remanufactured products

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Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proceedings from the 14th International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics: Knowledge Ecosystems and Growth
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Klíčová slova circular economy; reverse flows; knowledge sharing in the supply chain; empirical research; secondary data
Popis Remanufacturing plays an important role in the transition towards the circular economy. Since many companies have already begun to implement remanufacturing strategies, consumer’s adoption of already used products (e.g., remanufactured products) are highly essential. Hence, the consumer’s acceptance of the remanufactured product is now receiving more researcher’s attention. The findings of recent studies, however, indicate that consumers have a poor opinion on remanufactured products and thus remain reluctant to buy them. Moreover, these studies focus only on the adult generation and overlook the young generation which will become a new purchase power in the near future. Therefore, the main objective of the presented study is to deeply investigate how product-related knowledge influences the young generation's purchase intention towards remanufactured white goods. The author uses the theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical framework and for data collection questionnaire survey. Furthermore, the proposed model is empirically tested, using Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, based on the responses from 234 university students. The results indicate that consumer’s intention to purchase remanufactured products is positively and significantly influenced by consumer attitude, social norm and perceived behavioural control. Moreover, the presented study also demonstrates that consumer's product-related knowledge is positively associated with both consumer’s attitude and consumers’ intention to purchase remanufactured products. Thus, based on the presented findings, the study not only brings new insight into the purchase behaviour of the young generation towards remanufactured products but also several theoretical and practical implications.
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