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Enhancement of innovation collaboration via innovation vouchers


KLÍMOVÁ Viktorie ŽÍTEK Vladimír

Rok publikování 2020
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Flows of Resources in the Regional Economy in the Age of Digitalisation : Proceedings of the 7th CERS Conference
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Klíčová slova innovation cooperation; innovation policy; innovation voucher; regions; Czech Republic
Popis The article deals with the implementation of innovation vouchers in the regions of the Czech Republic. The aim of the article is to compare Czech regions with regard to the use of innovation vouchers as a tool to stimulate innovation cooperation. Our paper is focused on national and as well as regional innovation vouchers. First, innovation vouchers began to be implemented on the regional level, and for the first time, they were used in the South Moravian Region in 2009. Subsequently, they were extended to almost all Czech regions. In 2015, they began to be funded by the national government, and therefore, most regional governments ended their own support. In the case of regional innovation vouchers, the attention is paid mainly on the regional governments' approach to using and setting up the vouchers. In the case of national innovation vouchers, we mainly deal with spatial aspects of granting support. Our research shows that individual regional governments have different approaches to innovation collaboration support. Although the innovation vouchers have been introduced by regions with strong innovation performance, nowadays they are rather implemented by regions with weak innovation capacity. The advantage of regional innovation vouchers lies in the fact that they enable to modify their parameters so that they are tailor-made to the situation of a particular region. Our analysis also showed that a significant part of the support for national innovation vouchers is allocated to the most innovative regions and weaker regions are not able to use the offered resources.
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