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Anti-apoptotic and pro-apoptotic factors in human granulosa cells cultured in 3Dculture system



Rok publikování 2019
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis Granulosa cells have several functions during follicular development; for example, theynurse the oocyte, regulate steroid hormones production and activity, and preventoocyte against apoptosis. For these abilities, granulosa cells are crucial for manyreproductive functions and are suitable for in vitro culture and testing. However, whengranulosa cells are cultured in vitro as monolayers, they gradually lose most of theirimportant functions.The aim of our study was to test the three dimensional (3D) culture system for humangranulosa cells. For this purpose nanofibrous cellulose hydrogel GrowDex was used. Theexpression ofpro-and anti-apoptotic factors in human granulosa cells was investigatedwith the target to verify the usability of the 3D system with GrowDex.Human granulosa cells denuded from oocytes were cultured for 16 days in 4-well NUNCculture dishes with GrowDex. Conventional 2D (monolayer) culture system was used asa control. After prolong 16 days culture the expression of pro-and anti-apoptoticmarkers; Bax and BCl 2 respectively, was examined by Western blotting. The cellscultured in 3D culture system expressed anti-apoptotic factor BCl 2 in higher amountsthan cells cultured in the conventional 2D culture system. Besides, the expression ofpro-apoptotic factor Bax was lower in the 3D system than the expression in theconventional culture system.

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