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Zenový buddhizmus v Európe a na Slovensku : Taisen Dešimaru, Sandó Kaisen a Palo Rozložník

Název česky Zenový buddhismus v Evropě a na Slovensku : Taisen Dešimaru, Sandó Kaisen a Palo Rozložník


Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Nový orient
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

www Abstrakty Nový Orient 74/2019
Klíčová slova Zen Buddhism; Taisen Deshimaru; Zen in Slovakia
Popis This paper is dedicated to Pavol Rozložník (1957—2018), Slovak graphic designer, artist and teacher. Besides working professionally as a successful typograph and designer, Pavol was also the first Zen monk to be ordained within the Soto Zen lineage of Taisen Deshimaru roshi (1914—1982) by Sando Kaisen in 1993. This paper aims at introducing not only the life and career of Pavol, but also the history of European Soto Zen lineage, life and work of Taisen Deshimaru and that of his pupil, Sando Kaisen, Pavol’s teacher. Without either of these three personages, there would have been an utterly different development within the history of the European Soto Zen school. Deshimaru was the pioneer of European Zen, Kaisen was his pupil and Pavol’s teacher, who in turn became the teacher of first Kaisen’s disciples both in the Czech and Slovak Republics.

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