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The paper presents a summary of findings of epigenetic minerals (minerals of the hydrothermal association) in the Czech part of the Upper Silesian Basin. These were gradually acquired during the exploitation of bituminous coal in the Ostrava, Karviná and Příbor areas. The overview of epigenetic minerals includes both minerals from the fillings of tectonic structures and minerals known from the fissures of carbonate concretions. Findings of sulphides (galena, chalcopyrite, marcasite, millerite, pyrite, siegenite, sphalerite), oxides (anatase, quartz), carbonates (calcite, dolomite–ankerite series, siderite), sulphates (baryte), phosphates (fluorapatite), silicates (chlorite group mineral), and organic compounds (evenkite?) are described in detail. The following paragenetic series are assumed based on the mineral succession: (I) quartz I › carbonates I (dolomite, Fe–rich dolomite, Mg–rich ankerite, siderite) › (II) pyrite I › sulphides (chalcopyrite, pyrite II, millerite, sphalerite, galena, marcasite, siegenite) › (III) baryte › carbonates II (calcite), quartz II › dickite › (IV) hydrocarbons (e.g. evenkite, hatchettine). The age of low–temperature hydrothermal mineralization has not yet been verified reliably. Hydrothermal fluids were rich in hydrocarbons and can be characterized as H2O – NaCl ± hhc, resp. hhc ± H2O – NaCl.