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Macocha Formation, which belongs to the Palaeozoic of the Moravian Karst, is a carbonate reef complex deposited during Middle and Upper Devonian (Eifelian to Frasnian; Hladil, 1983). We can distinguish 3 limestone members: Josefov, Lažánky and Vilémovice limestones, which differ in colour, grain size and fauna (Zukalová-Chlupáč, 1982). These limestone members are stacked in 4 cycles in the Macocha Formation, Čelechovice cycle, Býčí skála cycle, Ochoz cycle and Mokrá cycle (Hladil, 1999). The contribution is based on bachelor´s thesis which was focused on petrological research of limestones in the locality Březina-Studánky. The limestones on the site belong to the Vilémovice Limestone of Mokrá cycle and belong to Upper Frasnian. On the limestone outcrop, which has a thickness of 17m, 25 layers were studied, the thickness of which ranges from 20 cm to 150 cm. Lower layers are fine-grained to medium-grained calcisiltite, but in the upper layers we observe the occurrence of mostly fine-grained calciarenite. Bioclast belonging to representatives of the Anthozoa (Rugosa), Brachiopoda, Bryozoa and Porifera (Stromatoporoidea) were macroscopically observed in the field. In thin sections, these groups are often represented by large bioclasts to biomorphs, observed were mainly stromatoporoids (e.g., genera Amphipora, Idiostroma, Actinostroma) and brachiopods. The most typical microfacies is packstone with abundant intraclasts, peloids and calcimicrobes renalcids (genera Izhella), but rudstones, floatstones, grainstones and wackestones occur as well. Studied facies can be compared with the 4JB facies sensu Hladil (1999), which belong to the environment of the reef margin. The biota is characterised by great diversity of reef-builders and other groups of organisms. Noticeable are abundant calcimicrobes. – The research was financially supported by the Czech Science Foundation (project GAČR 20-20785J).