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Developing National Standards and Licensure for Behavior Professions in the Czech Republic



Rok publikování 2022
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis Applied behavior analysis was almost unknown in the Czech Republic before 2015. Coordinated efforts of parents, practitioners, politicians, and scientists led to relatively fast development of the field, including the foundation of the Czech Association of Applied Behavior Analysis in 2016, the establishment of the first Verified Course Sequence (VCS), and legal recognition of behavior professions within the national legal system in 2017. The national licensure for behavior analysts, assistant behavior analysts, and behavior technicians has been created within the system of allied health professions governed by the Act 96/2004. The act specifies the minimum levels of education and supervised pre-clinical experience for allied health professionals and the scope of professional practice. Next, the Ministry of Health published regulations that govern the licensure procedure and further specified the operations and activities that behavior professions are authorized to perform. The national standards were developed with the support of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and incorporated the education standards for VCS and criteria for supervised practice. The article presents the facilitators and barriers encountered towards the establishment of the behavior professions. It also describes how challenging it may be to merge national legislation with the requirements of ABA organizations.
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