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Plain Language Recommendations for the Czech National COVID-19 Guideline: The Plan



Rok publikování 2022
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis Background The Czech National COVID-19 guideline was developed by adolopment of recommendations published on the eCOVID-19 Living Map of Recommendations and Gateway to Contextualization (RecMap), an openly accessible repository of trustworthy COVID-19 recommendations. RecMap development process aims to identify COVID-19 guidelines, assess their credibility, and make their recommendations available and understandable to various stakeholder groups. Plain language recommendations (PLRs) are clear, understandable statements structured in an easy-toread way. PLRs aim to make information originally intended for health professionals accessible to the lay population. The role of the public as recipients of information from the clinical practice guidelines has been previously emphasized in the G-I-N Public Toolkit. Objective Our work aims to supplement the Czech national COVID-19 guideline with plain language versions of included recommendations and thus prevent misconduct and the myths spread among the general population in the Czech Republic. Methods & future prospects for project presentation The PLR development consists of identifying the “right” recommendation, drafting, checking, reviewing, professional medical editing, and copyediting. This process, which we are part of, is organized and performed by the RecMap development team. Once the English version of PLR is finished, the mechanical translation to the Czech language is performed. The translated PLR is subsequently checked for grammatical, stylistic, and terminological flaws and contextualized to the Czech settings. Translated and contextualized PLR is uploaded on the RecMap and added to the Czech national guideline, which is regularly updated.

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