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Úpravy a zmeny vo fungovaní verejnej správy v okrese Dobšiná v rokoch 1938 – 1940



Rok publikování 2022
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Populačné štúdie Slovenska
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Klíčová slova regional public administration; Rožňava district; Dobšiná district; 1938-1940; Slovakia
Popis The paper deals with changes and modifications of the regional territorial administration in 1938 - 1940 in Slovakia, on the example of the Dobšiná district. Changes in public administration began to occur in Slovakia in connection with territorial changes that resulted from forced agreements and pressure on the Czechoslovak Republic at the end of 1938. Germany, Hungary and Poland initially appropriated relatively large border areas of Czechoslovakia, which in public administration caused reasonably significant problems that led to the temporary regulation of public administration and in Slovakia, finally after the disintegration of Czechoslovakia led to the reform of public administration. The Dobšiná district was one of the results of territorial changes, as the southern part of the former Rožňava district was occupied by neighbouring Hungary.

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