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Roger Scruton’s Search for the Beautiful and the Sacred: From Theory to Good Practice


FIALA Martin

Rok publikování 2022
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Roger Scruton is best known as a British philosopher, political thinker and an accomplished writer. But throughout his life he wasn’t just a man of great theoretical concepts and writings. He was one of the few thinkers who also managed to turn theories into good practise. For Scruton, it wasn't enough to just criticise socialism and totalitarianism of Soviet Union on paper. During the 1980’s, he became an active supporter of dissidents in Eastern Europe, specifically Czechoslovakia. As a philosopher of aesthetics and someone with special interest in architecture and classical music, Scruton was also engaged in the discussions around the concept of beauty. The late thinker actively fought against relativism, which dismissed judgements of beauty as something purely subjective. According to Scruton: “we have lost touch with beauty.” He argues, that beauty is “a real and universal value.” In my paper, I’m going to explore Scruton’s definition of the term ,,beauty”, his distinction between human and natural beauty and how his philosophical concepts surrounding this term were transformed into real life and actual policies.
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