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Pokračujúca transformácia rodinného a reprodukčného správania na Slovensku v časovom a priestorom aspekte



Rok publikování 2022
Druh Odborná kniha
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The discontinuity of social, economic, political and cultural conditions brought about by the late 1980s and early 1990s contributed to historically unique qualitative-quantitative transformations of family and reproductive behaviour in Slovakia. It turns out that, in particular, persons born in the second half of the 1960s and early 1970s, who in those very years were entering an ageing characteristic of the realization of multiple family transitions on the way to adulthood, began to change their patterns of demographic reproduction and matrimonial behaviour in a more pronounced way. The almost unimorphic and universal transitions to marriage and motherhood, largely realized at young to very young ages, began to diversify considerably. The postponement (and partial rejection) of maternal and marital starts and their shift to older generations became a key transformative element. This determined not only the timing of the individual demographic processes concerned but also their intensity and selected structural characteristics of the Slovak population. In addition, we are also witnessing changes in the legitimacy of reproduction, the dissolution of the historically formed close link between married life and childbearing, the wider use of new forms of couple cohabitation, as well as a shift away from the two-child family model towards more frequent childlessness or singleness. At the same time, emerging marital unions at an increasingly older age face a far greater risk of divorce. The decline in the importance of abortion can be viewed positively in terms of the main development trends. The aim of the present publication is firstly to comprehensively describe, through a cross-sectional and generational (cohort) analysis, the main transformational changes in family and reproductive behaviour presented through the demographic processes of marriage, divorce, fertility and abortion rates in Slovakia after 1989, respectively in the generations of men and women born since the 1960s. The result is, thus, from our perspective, a unique publication that looks at the process of transformation of family and reproductive behaviour through a cross-sectional and generational (cohort) lens, working with both national and regional levels while also attempting to identify the main regional patterns and their determinants.

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