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Dear Professor, can I use ChatGPT to write my essay? Official university statements concerning the use of ChatGPT



Rok publikování 2023
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Popis In his famous 1950 paper, Alan Turing considered the co-called Heads in the Sand Objection to the idea of thinking machines. The objection states, "The consequences of machines thinking would be too dreadful. Let us hope and believe that they cannot do so." With the rise of ChatGPT, we observe voices that - at first glance - resemble the aforementioned objection (see, e.g., "Pause Giant AI Experiments: And Open Letter"). In our talk, we would like to present an analysis of official statements presented by universities that address issues related to ChatGPT usage for academic purposes. We aim at grasping and identifying what issues are considered regarding ChatGPT, how it is framed, what recommendations, arrangements, provisions, etc., are recommended, and if present, what kind of justification and argumentation is made. The goal is to present how universities currently approach ChatGPT and what actions we can expect.

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