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First Analog Mission of the Jordan Space Research Initiative: One Small Step for Emerging Space Countries, One Giant Leap for Jordan



Rok publikování 2023
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Popis The Jordan Space Research Initiative (JSRI), founded in 2020, aims to bridge sustainable development with space exploration and establish an analog research facility in Jordan. Its research goals align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and national priorities in Jordan, in order to show the benefits of space R&D for life on Earth. Over the past couple of years, JSRI has built local and international partnerships within the space community. In 2023, JSRI is collaborating with its partners to organize the first analog mission in Jordan. This analog mission aims to serve as a proof of concept for JSRI’s future activities and permanent analog research facility. As a small-scale analog mission, its organization is critical in ensuring that valid scientific research and outcomes can be achieved within a short time period. That is why JSRI is focusing on five key elements: 1) Location and available infrastructure, 2) Mission operations and logistics, 3) Scientific research, 4) Partnership and funding, and 5) Marketing and outreach. Each of these categories will contribute to the success of the mission, and are further explored in this paper. With the goal of hosting a 2-week analog mission in the Jordanian desert, JSRI aims to build on past research and partnerships in order to select the most suitable location, identify scientific research goals, and provide an opportunity for Jordan to contribute to analog space research. Given its past successes with outreach competitions, JSRI aims to foster further involvement in the analog mission through competitions targeting high school and university students of all levels. This analog mission will also be open to participation from the international community, and from other countries in the Middle East. It aims to provide a framework for analog missions with limited resources, as a stepping stone for other non-space faring or emerging space countries to get involved in the world of space research.

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