Informace o publikaci

Developing Inclusion with Special Needs Teachers: Disorders of Intellectual Development: Health Issues and Strategies in Education



Rok publikování 2023
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis The paper presents the research result based on the qualitative analysis of the role of special needs teachers in inclusion and the importance of health issues in individuals with disorders of intellectual development. The target group were various groups of experts and families. The research team focused on several specific areas: the role of special needs teachers, catering, sleeping, hygiene, sexuality, disease prevention, first aid, emergency strategies, physical activity, and art therapy to promote health. The analysis shows the importance of the health issue for families with children with disorders of intellectual development and teachers who lack a systematic approach. The project resulted in a new curriculum for university students on health issues with many materials: the course book, the needs analyses from four countries, web pages, and many videos dealing with the subject in English and four languages of participating countries.
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