Informace o publikaci

Zlamanì dušì novoho stolìttja: posttravmatyčnyj syndrom, psycholohìčna beznadìja, opracjuvannja trahìčnych podìj v žyttì molodì v sučasnìj ukrajins’kìj ta čes’kìj prozì

Název česky Zlomené duše nového století: posttraumatický syndrom, psychologická beznaděj, vyrovnávání se s tragickými událostmi v životě mladých lidí v současné ukrajinské a české próze


Rok publikování 2023
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Slavica litteraria
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Klíčová slova modern prose; the theme of a young person; generation Y; growing up in the 90s; Artem Chekh; Lucie Faulerová
Popis For this study, we choose the latest novel by the Ukrainian writer Artem Chekh, Who are you?, as well as the novel by the Czech writer Lucie Faulerová DeathGirl. The purpose of our research is to outline the world of youth in modern literature and find out how young authors approach such a description. Generation Y is definitely por- trayed as vulnerable, because growing up in the 90s couldn’t help but leave its mark. This is caused by a number of problems – social, economic, family, where the model of the previous generation was often absent. Both of these novels focus on a young man’s struggle with his inner demons, somewhat different but having a significant impact on their lives.
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