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Patient-centered health care planning in acute inpatient mental health settings: a best practice implementation project


GAGIU Corina MAZILU Doina C ZAZU Mariana NEDELCU Viorica JITIANU Dorinela A MANEA Mirela VRBOVÁ Tereza KLUGAR Miloslav KLUGAROVÁ Jitka

Rok publikování 2023
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Klíčová slova care planning; evidence-based practice; implementation project; mental health nurses
Popis Objectives:The current project aimed to improve the quality of health care by promoting evidence-based practice (EBP) regarding mental health care planning (MHCP) for adult inpatients.Introduction:The implementation of the best evidence in the process of developing and documenting nursing care plans is currently an important legal requirement that contributes to increasing the quality of care.Methods:This implementation project was based on the JBI evidence implementation approach and included a baseline audit of seven criteria, implementation of strategies, and a follow-up audit. The project was conducted in an acute psychiatric setting at a university hospital in Bucharest, Romania. The sample included 17 nurses and 30 ward patients.Results:The baseline audit revealed low compliance (33%-37%) for criterion 3 (a comprehensive care plan) and criterion 4 (patient involvement); moderate compliance (55%) for criterion 1 (care plan for all patients); and increased compliance (97%-100%) for criterion 2 (assessment of patient's needs), criterion 5 (education of patients/caregivers), criterion 6 (providing a copy at discharge), and criterion 7 (education of professionals). As a result of implementing the most appropriate strategies, the maximum improvement (100%) was observed across all five audit criteria that were found to be deficient in the baseline audit.Conclusion:The development and implementation of strategies adapted to specific care need to play a key role in the implementation of EBP. In this case, educating nurses, facilitating nurses' access to EBP for care planning, and improving procedures proved effective in achieving maximum compliance with all the audit criteria.

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