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Current Challenges of Enforcing Annulled Arbitral Awards



Rok publikování 2022
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Cofola International 2022: Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

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www Open access sborníku
Klíčová slova Annulment Proceedings; Discretionary Power; International Arbitration; New York Convention; Public Policy
Popis The controversy regarding the French approach to the enforcement of annulled arbitral awards may have died out, yet new issues continue to arise. This paper analyses the current practice in respect to the discretion given to the enforcing courts by the New York Convention. Special attention is paid to the development of case law and approaches of leading jurisdictions concerning the relationship of an award with the legal order under which it was rendered. The purpose of this paper is assessment of the discretion granted to the national courts by Article V of the New York Convention to enforce an award notwithstanding its annulment at the seat.
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