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Reexamining Precision and Objectivity in Copyright Protection for Non-Traditional Creations

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Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Jusletter IT
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

Klíčová slova copyright law; protected subject matter; suffi cient precision and objectivity
Popis This paper explores the requirement of „sufficient precision and objectivity“ for copyright protection in the EU. It emphasizes the importance of this requirement for legal clarity and delineates its two primary functions: safeguarding against overly subjective elements and enabling clear identification of protected subject matter. While originality remains vital in copyright, the paper focuses on the objectivity of expression. The paper discusses a case involving bullfighting in Spain, where a toreador’s performance sought copyright protection but was rejected by the Spanish Supreme Court. The court emphasized the need for the work to reflect the author‘s personality and be objectively identifiable. It underscores that the requirement for sufficient precision and objectivity primarily pertains to expression, not the issue of originality. In conclusion, the paper highlights the importance of the „sufficient precision and objectivity“ requirement in copyright law, clarifying protection boundaries and excluding highly subjective expressions, promoting clarity in intellectual property rights for creators and businesses.
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