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Masaryk University SEG Student Chapter: Raw Materials of the Czech Republic



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj SEG Discovery
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Klíčová slova SEG, students, excursion, energy raw materials, Czech Republic
Popis This autumn, students from the Masaryk University Brno SEG Student Chapter (Czech Republic) organized Field Exploration Geology Vol. X, the 10th anniversary of the chapter’s biggest field exercise, to study energy raw materials of the Czech Republic. The nearly two-week trip visited 27 sites of mineral extraction and processing as well as associated facilities focused on natural gas and oil, peat, lignite, brown and black coal, and uranium. The events kicked off with a one-day short course at which we hosted experts on individual commodities who gave interesting and educational talks. The event was attended by about 100 academics, professionals, students, and members of the public. The next day, we went 500 m underground into a former Rožná uranium mine. The following morning, we arrived at the appointed site early so we could join the crew of a black coal mine to go even deeper. At almost 1 km below the surface, we visited the last active black coal mine and experienced the coal extraction firsthand. In the afternoon, we learned about the importance of mine rescue services. The second half of the week was dedicated to visiting oil and natural gas drilling sites and extraction facilities, museums, and a sandstone-hosted uranium leaching site that was being decommissioned. After an underground visit to the Besucherbergwerk Zinnwald tourist mine (Li-rich greisen), and rock hunting on the weekend, the next week started at a brown coal open-pit mine and adjacent power plant. The last days of the trip focused on uranium mine dump sorting, a lignite seam, a uranium power plant, and the peat extraction site. At all facilities, industry personnel and geologists guided us, which secured the highest possible quality and expertise during our visits. For detailed information field trip guidebook, and more photos from the field trip, take a look at our Facebook page (
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