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Using molecular (COI, Cytb, H3, wg, 12S, 16S, and 28S) and morphological data (61 characters of adults and immatures), the phylogenetic relationships of the 20 nominal genera of Liviinae were analysed, and the monophyly of the subfamily was tested relative to the other two subfamilies of Liviidae. The analyses of the molecular, morphological, and combined datasets provided similar results with a strong or moderate support in the molecular and combined analyses for the subfamilies of Liviidae and two clades in Liviinae given tribal rank (Liviini and Paurocephalini stat. rev.). Three of the six previously recognized genera were confirmed as monophyletic (Aphorma, Camarotoscena, and Livia) and three were shown to be polyphyletic: Diclidophlebia s.l. (Diclidophlebia s.s., Haplaphalara stat. rev., Klyveria Burckhardt, Serbina and MalenovskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE, gen. nov., Melanastera Serbina, MalenovskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE, Queiroz and Burckhardt, gen. nov. and Woldaia stat. rev.), Paurocephala s.l. (Liella Burckhardt, Serbina and MalenovskATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE, gen. nov. and Paurocephala s.s.), and Syntomoza s.l. (Anomoterga stat. rev. and Syntomoza s.s.). The new generic definitions require 38 new and eight revived combinations, including the transfer of two species to other families. All genera of Liviinae are diagnosed and keys are provided for their identification. A checklist of world Liviinae is supplemented.