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EU Air Quality and Vehicles: An Incompatible Pair?



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

Přiložené soubory
Popis Despite the current emphasis on climate change, the air quality is still subpar or insufficient in many parts of Europe. The primary source of air pollution in cities is vehicle emissions. Although some communities have sought to impose car restrictions to enhance air quality, recent legal arguments and instances of noncompliance have demonstrated how challenging such restrictions are to implement. Further complicating the situation and limiting the options open to municipalities and Member States is a recent CJEU case law (C-177/19 P). In order to improve air quality, it has become necessary to strike a balance between legal responsibilities and political choices. The chapter’s objective is to examine the tools that the current EU air quality legislation (Directive 2008/50) provides to regulate vehicles and the degree to which local governments can impose restrictions on vehicles without violating vehicle type-approval regulation (Regulation 2018/858).

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