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Night Wolves Motorcycle Club: A Long Way from Advocates of Democracy to Kremlin Propagandists



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Popis This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the Night Wolves Motorcycle Club (NWMC), examining how it has evolved from an antiestablishment counterculture group into a Kremlin proxy spreading Russian nationalist propaganda and supporting Russian military interventions, especially in Ukraine. Through a systematic literature review, the chapter analyzes NWMC’s impact on East-West relations and specific states. The findings show that while NWMC’s provocative cross-border activities, paramilitary involvement, and ties with far-right groups have increased tensions, its overall influence remains limited. The chapter traces NWMC’s changing relationship with the Russian government from its initially critical views to becoming vocal supporters and participants in foreign policy. It details NWMC’s participation in Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the ongoing Donbas conflict, and influence operations in the Balkans. Scholars view NWMC as one of many Kremlin tools for propaganda and foreign interference, albeit with marginal societal impact. The chapter examines the restrictions and sanctions imposed on NWMC by Western states and explores the group’s establishment of European chapters for advancing Russian interests abroad, eliciting security concerns. Ultimately, it argues that, while problematic, NWMC acts predominantly as a symbolic and localized disruptor rather than having major geopolitical ramifications.
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