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System of Data Protection in the EU



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

Popis The conference paper titled "System of Data Protection in the EU" explores the legal semiotics of data at syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic levels. At the syntactic level, it addresses the distinction between raw and structured data files, and analog versus digital data, highlighting differences in their legal implications, particularly in copyright law and archival practices. The semantic level delves into the meanings attributed to data, distinguishing between object-related and subject-related data, where the latter includes both personal and non-personal data covered by regulations like the GDPR. The pragmatic level examines the functional and purposeful use of data, categorizing them into public, club, and private data based on the ease of publication and legal exclusivity. This paper elaborates on how data's natural characteristics influence its categorization and the associated legal frameworks, offering insights into the complex landscape of data usage and legal protections in the European Union.
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