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Řecké a latinské lékařské názvosloví v díle Nomenclator Quadrilinguis Daniela Adama z Veleslavína



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Tuto čti pilně. Sborník příspěvků k 60. narozeninám Aleny M. Černé
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání

Klíčová slova Czech lexicography of the early modern period; Daniel Adam of Veleslavín; medical nomenclatures; Greek and Latin medical terminology
Popis The aim of this paper is to systematically describe the linguistic character of medical terms, in the work Nomenclator quadrilinguis Boemico-Latino-Graeco-Germanicus, published in 1598 by Daniel Adam of Veleslavín. The main attention will be paid to expressions from the classical languages, i.e. Latin and Greek, which still represent the key component of medical terminology, especially in Central Europe. Against the background of the lexicographical approach to the study of the Greek and Latin word base, the aim is to map the nature of the use of the sources for the aforementioned Nomenclator (mainly the dictionaries of Helfricus Emmelius) in the field of specific terminological vocabulary and to demonstrate Veleslavín’s own creative or innovative contribution to the recording of lexis beyond the Czech vocabulary.

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