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Shaped, fired, discarded, deposited in the rondel ditches. The largest european figurine collection in 3D, μCT, Petrography, Use-wear and gis

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Rok publikování 2024
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis A total of 370 fragments of female ceramic figurines were found on post-Linear Neolithic settlement site Těšetice–Kyjovice Sutny. During a narrow span of 4750–4500 BC figurines were manufactured, fired, used, and discarded. All figurines were found fragmented, and all fragments in one location were preserved in only two cases. The majority of fragments do not correspond to whatever else. Although some part of fractures might be caused by post-depositional destruction by waste accumulation processes on the settlement, many of them were intentional. The fragments were deposited mainly into the ditches of the rondel enclosure. Without speculations with regard to religion or symbolism, we analyse the level of variability in all steps of the figurine operational chain to clarify, if these steps were realised on individual, communal or up-communal level of activities and how then was the role of figurines in the settlement not only in the moment of acting with them, but in all steps of their life cycle. The Těšetice rondel enclosure is the unique rondel site associated with larger collection of figurines. Certain intersection of socially cohesive behaviour or activities then took place here, performed in rondel constructing and figurine operating.
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