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Across the Planets - Playful Approach for Learning the Shortest Path Algorithm for Graphs in Augmented Reality



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proceedings of the 27th International Academic Mindtrek Conference (Mindtrek '24)
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta informatiky

Klíčová slova Augmented Reality, Game User Research, Educational Games, Visualization
Popis Nowadays, a diverse array of technologies are used to help students learn in different ways, and augmented reality (AR) stands out as a notable example. AR proves especially beneficial for visualizing concepts more effectively in 3D (three-dimensional) space compared to traditional 2D (two-dimensional) planes. To make the learning process more entertaining, it can be visualized in the form of a game concept. This paper explores the idea of how augmented reality can assist students in learning graph algorithms, specifically learning the algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph by using visualization playfully. To determine this, a game approach for mobile devices was implemented with the help of the Unity engine that includes three versions of the game: 1) an AR version with 3D graph models, 2) an AR version with 2D graph models, and 3) a non-AR version of the graph models. Subsequently, a user study was conducted to assess the engaging of this approach with 20 participants.
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