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Report on the Socio-economic Situation of the Roma Population in the Czech Republic 2023/2024. Results of the sample survey



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Výzkumná zpráva
Popis The report presents the results of a sample survey of the Roma population conducted as part of the project "Creating System for Quantitative Data Collection to Evaluate the Situation of Roma in the Czech Society". The project was supported by grants from Norway under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014–2021. The results are presented in the form of evaluated indicators that we have committed to monitor. The aim was to provide an overview of the values of these indicators, which were measured in the context of the sample survey, as well as their comparison with the values measured in the general population within the framework of standard sample surveys carried out mainly by the Czech Statistical Office, such as the Census of Population, Housing and Dwellings (EU-SILC), the Labour Force Survey, or others. The Summary Table of Indicator Values at the end of the text shows both the values for the second survey and the values for the first survey, as well as the indicator values for the general population at the time of each survey. The report provides significantly more information about the situation of the Roma population in Czech society than in the past.

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