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Russian Imperialism and Byzantium (1801–2023): Architecture, Visual Culture, and Scholarship



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The aim of this essay is toreflect on the nature and meaning of the Byzantine and Russian medieval visual legacies in czarist imperialism in the nineteenth century. It then discusses the SovietUnion’s use of similar visual strategies (in a completely opposite ideological vein) before turning to the (mis)appropriation of the past in contemporary Russia. Throughout, Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a building most emblematic of Russianimperialism, will serve as a unifying point. Built, destroyed, and rebuilt over the lasttwo centuries, this monument is a true barometer of the use (and abuse) of the pastby Russian and Soviet regimes
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