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A Life with Medieval Images: Herbert L. Kessler in Conversation with Adrien Palladino



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku (nerecenzovaný)
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The conversation with Herbert L. Kessler, a leading scholar in medieval art history, offers an in-depth exploration of his prolific career and the evolving field of medieval art studies. Through our discussion, we had the opportunity to delve into pivotal moments in Kessler's intellectual trajectory, including his groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of image theory, iconography, and the interplay between text and image in medieval culture. We discussed how his interdisciplinary approaches and methodological innovations have reshaped perceptions of medieval visuality and materiality. I also reflected on broader historiographical trends, challenges in medieval art history, and the relevance of the discipline in contemporary scholarship. This exchange provided valuable insights into the enduring significance of medieval images and the dynamic ways they continue to be studied and interpreted.

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