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Modulation of room temperature ferromagnetism in WO3 thin films on low-cost Si wafers

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PHAM Sy Nguyen NGUYEN Hoa Hong

Rok publikování 2025
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Solid State Communications
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Klíčová slova Tungsten trioxide; Room temperature ferromagnetism; Ar:O2 ratio; Thin films
Popis Advancements in room temperature ferromagnetic semiconductors boost the possibility of next generation spintronics. It is quite challenging to achieve the room temperature ferromagnetism which is compatible with promising prospect for application of spintronic devices. Room temperature ferromagnetism can be obtained by introducing vacancies into semiconductor oxides. Therefore, synergetic effects between substrate temperature and Ar:O2 ratio during thin film growth are expected to play important roles in inducing ferromagnetism (FM). Herein, we have investigated the influence of these parameters on room temperature FM of WO3 thin films on low-cost Si wafers. Based on the results, there are three possible conclusions: (1) the major effect of temperature and Ar:O2 ratios on structural composition of WO3 during fabrication process, (2) structural phase of WO3 has a significant influence on RT-FM, and (3) the crucial role of oxygen vacancies in RT-FM of WO3. This study may pave the way for understanding the mechanism of room temperature FM in WO3 thin films and innovating future technological applications.
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