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Actions of women vs. actions of men in medieval inquisition records: A corpus-based exploration

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Rok publikování 2024
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis In spite of the large amount of scholarship on women and heresy, research has so far mostly fallen short of using digital methods of exploration and analysis to shed light on this question. To cover this gap, this paper sets out to explore the verbs used to describe the actions of medieval women in comparison to the actions of men, and discover broader patterns as well as specific noteworthy examples. The basis for this research is a full-text corpus, amounting to ca. 1.5 million words, of digitised and manually cleaned editions of fifteen collections of heresy trial documents, ranging from 1230s to 1520s and from Italy to England. It tries to answer the question of whether women could have held special roles in the life of dissident religious cultures of the Middle Ages.
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