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Network hermeneutics : exploring the meaning of a source using network analysis, case of inquisitorial protocols from 14th century Stettin

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Rok publikování 2024
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The case study at the heart of this paper is the inquisition protocols from the 14th century, specifically the records of the Celestine inquisitor Petrus Zwicker from 1392 to 1394 in Stettin. These documents, central to understanding the Waldensian dissidence and the broader inquisitorial practices of the time, are reexamined through a digital lens. This analysis is based on a network form structured dataset created from the original sources, based on D. Kurze’s regesta edition (1975). This data creation process followed the "classical" social network analysis (SNA) coding which involves very close reading of the sources and documenting people, events, places and relations between them. The dataset was then converted into edge lists containing relations between specific entities. The study's findings demonstrate how the creation process impacts the nature of the source giving its contents a different structure when converted to a complete digital form. It shows how “network hermeneutics” can contribute not only to our historical knowledge of the source but also frame the interpretation of any digital models derived from it. We aim to contribute to the critique of historical sources and demonstrate that protocols are not just straightforward accounts of interrogations but are shaped by the institutional and procedural frameworks of the Inquisition. We discuss natural biases in the network structure within the text coming from its creation process and which opportunities and limits it creates for further quantitative analysis.
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