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RNA4TKick-off Meeting



Rok publikování 2024
Druh Uspořádání workshopu
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Středoevropský technologický institut

Přiložené soubory
Popis The RNA Club 2024 conference focused on RNA biology topics and offered an opportunity to connect with leading experts from the Czech Republic and abroad. The keynote speakers were Igor Ulitsky from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and Michael Frye from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. Alongside the conference, the kick-off meeting for the RNA4T project was held on 20 September, with members of the project's scientific board and a representative from the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports, Jakub Uchytil. The meeting featured presentations from the involved laboratories, showcasing their research topics, as well as the initial results and achievements of the project. The scientific board then provided the consortium members with feedback and recommendations for the upcoming project period.

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