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Lipid elicitors of plant defense reaction

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Rok publikování 2002
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Book of Abstracts of 7th Meeting of WG
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Citace KAŠPAROVSKÝ, Tomáš, Vladimír MIKEŠ, ML MILAT a JP BLEIN. Lipid elicitors of plant defense reaction. In Book of Abstracts of 7th Meeting of WG. Kusadasi, Turkey: IOBC, OILB, 2002, s. 74.
Obor Biochemie
Klíčová slova elicitors; lipids; plant defense
Popis Low molecular lipid substances represent specific elicitors of plant defence reaction. We studied the elicitation mechanism by means of several inhibitors of calcium channels (La3+, verapamil, nifedipin, TMB-8 and ruthenium red) and fluorescence confocal microscopy with calcium green and compared the effect on the signal pathways induced by cryptogein, a typical fungal proteinaceous elicitor the receptor of which is localized on the plasma membrane, with ergosterol. The results suggest that the binding of ergosterol to an unknown receptor results in a mobilization of internal calcium stores (probably IP3 dependent) rather than in the effect on the plasma membrane channels.
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