Informace o publikaci

Snímání a analýza zvuků vydávaných pavouky rodu Palpimanus (Araneae: Palpimanidae)


HUSNÍK Libor PEKÁR Stanislav

Rok publikování 2002
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Akustické listy
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Zoologie
Klíčová slova araneae; stridulation
Popis This paper presents results of a measurement and an analysis of airborne sounds (stridulation) produced by spiders of the genus Palpimanus. Two species, P. gibbulus and P. orientalis, were used in this study. Palpimanus spiders produce sounds by rubbing a scrapper on the inner side of the palpal femora across a file on the outter surface of the chelicera. Recorded sound for all study species ranged from about 500 Hz to 20 kHz with several maxima, particularly at 3.7 kHz and 9 kHz. No apparent differences in the spectral range and the frequencies of sounds produced by males and females of the two study species were found.
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