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The moral factor of mental health diagnosing

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Rok publikování 2005
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Professional literauture often discuss the ethical problems of psychotherapy. There are a lot of articles about this domain. They generally refer the relationship between the therapist and his patient or client. There are the ethical codes of psychological, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric work, which wear off the ethical problems by the psychodiagnostic operation. The development in last 15 years and also the incoming to the international structures (European Community and also the European and worldwide professional organizations) brought an accent on strict adherence of ethical rules in psychodiagnostic. The difficult acquisition of the informed permission with the personal and psychodiagnostic data collecting comprise the one side of the coin. We can see the problems with adequate psychologists demeanour on the other side, the problems appertaining the psychological tests publishing and correctly usingof theirs. The contribution advance the program and realization of the triennial research program in said domain. Withal it doesnt consider the resolution of given problems ( it is too complicated and volumious ) but endeavours the ethical themes mapping in psychodiagnostics.
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