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Informace o publikaci
Palynological studies in the Cave sediments from the Moravian, Javoříčko and Hranice Karsts Czech Republic
Autoři | |
Rok publikování | 2004 |
Druh | Článek v odborném periodiku |
Časopis / Zdroj | Polen |
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU | |
Citace | |
Obor | Geologie a mineralogie |
Klíčová slova | Palynology; cave sediments; Czech Republic |
Popis | The sediments of the karstic formations from the Moravian part of the Czech Republic (Moravian, Javoříčko and Hranice Karsts) were investigated from thepalynological point of view. They are of Holocene, Pleistocene and Miocene ages. The mixing of the different ages components - especially Quaternary and redeposited Tertiary ones - is common. Secondary accumulation of palynomorphs due to their different resistences to the chemical and mechanical (transport) processes were found out. |
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