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Studium hlístic z rodu Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) metodami SEM


KOUBKOVÁ Božena HODOVÁ Iveta BARUŠ Vlastimil

Rok publikování 2007
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Citace KOUBKOVÁ, Božena, Iveta HODOVÁ a Vlastimil BARUŠ. Studium hlístic z rodu Cithariniella (Pharyngodonidae) metodami SEM. In Parassitologia. 2007. ISSN 0048-2951.
Popis During investigation of the parasite fauna of fresh-water fishes carried out in the Gambia River and Mare Simenti, National Park Niokolo Koba, Senegal, numerous nematode specimens were collected from the rectum of squeakers Synodontis ocellifer and S. batensoda (Mochokidae: Siluriformes) and citharinid fish Citharinus citharus and Paradistichodus dimidiatus (Citharinidae: Characiformes). The material included three species belonging to genus Cithariniella Khalil, 1964 (Pharyngodonidae) – C. citharini Khalil, 1964 (host: Citharinus citharus); C. khalili Petter, Vassiliades et Troncy, 1972 (hosts: Synodontis ocellifer, S. batensoda); Cithariniella gonzalesi (host: Paradistichodus dimidiatus), first recorded from Senegal. Morphometrical features of these small nematode species observed under light microscope are very similar and therefore the methods of SEM were used for detecting valid morphological characteristics for differetiation. Characteristics obtained by methods of SEM (form of oral aperture and cephalic papillae, presence or absence of lateral alae, distribution and form of cloacal papillae and simple or paired papillae on tail in males, eggs with long filaments) were corresponding with the genus diagnose well and present species differences.
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