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Morphological analysis of the cellular interactions between the eugregarine Gregarina garnhami (Apicomplexa) and the epithelium of its host, the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria.



Rok publikování 2008
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj European Journal of Protistology
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Zoologie
Klíčová slova epimerite; detachment of trophozoite; Gregarina garnhami; Gregarina acridiorum; epimeritic scar; epimeritic septum
Popis Morphological features of the eugregarine Gregarina garnhami parasitic in the caeca and mid-gut of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria, have been studied by electron microscopy, with particular attention to the epimerite and the host-parasite relationships. The cytoplasmic core of the globular epimerite is overlain by a distinct cortical zone, limited on its cytoplasmic face by a membrane-like structure, with an underlying layer of mitochondria. The periphery of the cortical zone is strengthened by a mass of fine filaments; especially at its base. Fine tubular structures, apparently arising from the membrane-like structure, pass through the cortical zone and attach to the epimerite-host cell interface. The base of the cortical zone is supported by a distinct osmiophilic ring. The epimerite is separated from the rest of the gregarine body by a discontinuous septum. Trophozoites possess conically-arranged fibrils, which arise from the epimeritic septum and continue into the protomerite.
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