Počet publikací: 592
Analyzing Market Efficiency: The Role of Business Cycles, Risk Aversion, and Occam's Razor in the Adaptive Market Hypothesis
Finance Research Letters, rok: 2025, ročník: 75, vydání: April, DOI
Analyzing the fight for decency : Combining framing and emotional approaches to social movement theory
International Journal of Comparative Sociology, rok: 2025, DOI
Antecedents of perceived teacher work ability: A comprehensive model across work and non-work domains
Frontiers in Psychology, rok: 2025, ročník: 16, vydání: 1557456, DOI
Application of sous-vide technology in the processing of different apple cultivars and its effect on physico-chemical properties
European Food Research and Technology, rok: 2025, ročník: 251, vydání: 1, DOI
Applications of Iterated Linearization for non-linear errors-in-variable regression to metrological data
Measurement: Sensors, rok: 2025, DOI
Approximate Near-Real-Time Assessment of Some Characteristic Parameters of the Spring Ozone Depletion over Antarctica Using Ground-Based Measurements
Remote Sensing, rok: 2025, ročník: 17, vydání: 3, DOI
Are We Estimating the Mean and Variance Correctly in the Presence of Observations Outside of Measurable Range?
Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, rok: 2025, ročník: 13, vydání: 1, DOI
Assessment of non-stationary tree growth responses in the forest-tundra and southern taiga of central Siberia
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, rok: 2025, ročník: 360, vydání: January, DOI
Association of the combined parameters including the frequency of primary cilia, PD-L1, Smoothened protein, membranous I3-catenin and cytoplasmic I3-catenin expression with the outcome of patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Biomedical Papers, rok: 2025, DOI
Asymmetric distribution of G-quadruplex forming sequences in genomes of retroviruses
Nature Scientific Reports, rok: 2025, ročník: 15, vydání: 1, DOI