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MENTORING as a form of on-the-job learning

Název česky MENTORING jako forma učení se na pracovišti

PÍŠOVÁ Michaela

Rok publikování 2010
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis In the context of the ongoing global as well as local social changes it has became a must for schools as educational institutions and for teachers as key agents of educational change to respond to the challenge posed by the demands of the development of a knowledge society. It is obvious that the imperative of lifelong learning is specifically relevant for educators, which consequently brings about the need for schools to become truly learning organisations, a space for constant on-the-job learning. The paper aims to discuss one of the strategies widely adopted to facilitate the shift towards the new professionalism of teachers in the last decades all over the world, mentoring. Though it has been observed that mentoring overcomes its initial role of support and becomes a device to help building strong professional cultures of teaching, it has not received much attention in the Czech Republic until recently. If mentoring is to be introduced as a systemic measure for teacher professional development here, culture-bound specifics must be taken into consideration. Therefore, empirical research conducted in the Czech Republic will be briefly presented and the findings concerning mentor roles, strategies, types and agendas of interventions will be compared with those from abroad.

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