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Interleukin-1 Gene Polymorphisms Associated with Reflux Oesophagitis in the Czech Population

Název česky Genové polymorfismy asociované s refluxní esofagitidou u české populace


Rok publikování 2011
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Popis Reflux Oesophagitis (RO) is the subset of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) with inflammation of the lower oesophagus due to acid gastric contents regurgitation. Polymorphisms in the interleukin-1 (IL-1) genes play a role in inflammatory diseases though the modulation of cytokine levels. The aim of this study was to associate the three variants in the IL-1 cluster with RO in the Czech population. In this case-control association study 131 patients with RO and 165 controls were genotyped using PCR-RFLP or PCR method for IL-1 gene polymorphisms [IL-1alpha (-889C/T), IL-1beta (+3953C/T), and IL-1RN (IL-1 receptor antagonist, VNTR)]. No significant differences were found in the allele and genotype frequencies of all polymorphisms between patients with RO and controls. Complex analysis revealed differences in IL-1 haplotype frequencies; the haplotype C(IL-1alpha-889)/C(IL-1beta+3953)/1(IL-1RN*1 allele) of the IL-1 gene cluster was significantly more frequent (54.8% vs. 43.7%, p=0.023) and the haplotype C(IL-1alpha-889)/C(IL-1beta+3953)/2(IL-1RN*2 allele) less frequent (11.9% vs. 21.2%, p=0.020) in RO patients than in controls. Although no significant role of single IL-1 variants in RO was found, our results suggest that different IL-1 haplotypes may be associated with increased or decreased susceptibility to RO. This study was supported by the project NPVII 2B06060, 1M0528 and IGA NT11405-6.
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