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Arterialization of the Venous Network as a Solution to Obstructed Arterial System During Replantation



Rok publikování 2011
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Obor Chirurgie včetně transplantologie
Klíčová slova Replantation; venous arterialization; thumb
Popis Although thumb replantation is a routine procedure where the arterial and venous circulation is reconstructed by arterial and venous anastomoses, in clinical practice we see cases when it is not possible to restore the blood supply by conventional methods. Out of 2240 replantations and revascularizations completed at our workplace between the years 1978–2010, there were six cases in which the method of arterialization of the venous network was used to restore blood supply. The method of venous network arterialization is used in cases when the amputated part of the body lacks the artery or when it is severely damaged. We used the method of venous network arterialization for thumb replantation where the restoration of blood supply was not successful despite patent arterial anastomosis due to a blockage of the arterial system peripheral to the anastomosis. In both cases the use of the arterialization method allowed us to restore blood supply, and the results were not different from the conventionally performed replantations. Our experience shows that the method of venous network arterialization can be successfully used in cases where the arteries in the amputated parts are severely damaged or missing as well as in cases when the conventional methods are not successful in the restoration of blood supply.

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