Admission appeals

The process of assessing the admission appeal is governed by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on amendments and modifications to other acts (hereinafter referred to as “Higher Education Act”).

Appeal forms for individual faculties to be downloaded here.

The appeal form must be properly filled in and include a reasoning with clearly specified reasons; it must bear the appellant’s own signature. An appeal without the reasoning or only with the sentence “I appeal against the decision on admission denial.” is insufficient.

Appeal procedure

An applicant for study at Masaryk University may lodge an appeal against the decision on admission / denial of admission within 30 days of being notified on the decision. The properly filled-in and reasoned appeal with appellant’s own signature shall be lodged at the dean of the faculty through the faculty office for studies. The dean shall consider the appeal and if he/she concludes that it was issued contrary to law, MUNI internal regulations, or conditions set out in Section 49 (1) and (3) of Higher Education Act, the dean shall allow the appeal and change the decision. In the opposite case, the appeal shall be referred to the Rector in accordance with Section 88 Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Procedure Code. In order to prepare the appeal procedure, the Rector shall appoint a consultative committee, which shall be referred the documents and information provided by the deans of the faculties under Section 88 Administrative Procedure Code. The Rector shall consider the appeal and if he/she concludes that it was issued contrary to law, MUNI internal regulations, or conditions set out in Section 49 (1) and (3) of Higher Education Act, he/she shall allow the appeal and modify the contested decision or part of it, or reverse it and return the case to the dean for reconsideration. In the opposite case, the Rector shall confirm the decision. The Rector’s decision shall be final, and it cannot be appealed.

The vacancies left by applicants who did not enroll shall be filled with applicants according to the order of results achieved in the entrance examination, regardless whether such applicants appealed the dean’s decision or not. However, the dean of the faculty is not obliged to fill the vacancies.

Reasons that lie beyond a contradiction of the issued admission decision with the above laws and regulations cannot be taken into account, although they may be true and honest. Thus, inter alia the below reasons cannot be considered:

  • great interest in the study of the chosen programme;
  • family tradition;
  • excellent results in the previous study (unless they are listed as a criterion for admission by the dean of the faculty with respect to the programme chosen);
  • previous practice in the field of study, language and other examinations (unless they are set as a condition of admission procedure),
  • completion of preparatory courses and complaint about the venue of the preparatory courses;
  • subjective feelings and impressions concerning the admission procedure;
  • placing below the threshold for passing the entrance exam;
  • late (even reasoned) arrival at the entrance examination;
  • stress or anxiety about the entrance exam;
  • complaint that the entrance exam was too hard;
  • complaint that the assessment of the entrance exam was too strict or subjective;
  • health problems;
  • unfavorable social or family situation;
  • adverse external circumstances (rain, sun, traffic etc.).

The applicant shall obtain the Rector’s decision usually within 10 days of the date of the consultative committee’s session, however, no later than within 30 days of the session.

The Rector shall terminate the admission procedure by his/her decision usually as per 31 October of the calendar year concerned.

The legal basis of the appeals process

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