Masaryk University Statutes
In accordance with Section 36(2) and (5) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. VII to the Masaryk University Statutes under Ref. No. MSMT-6299/2024-2 as of the date of signing the registration.
Mgr. Karolína Gondková
Director of the Department of Higher Education Institutions
Data on all registrations of the regulation with the Ministry
In accordance with section 36, subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered the Masaryk University Statutes on 21 October 2016 under Ref. No. MSMT-33384/2016.
In accordance with section 36, subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered I. amendment to the Masaryk University Statutes on 14 June 2019 under Ref. No. MSMT-20769/2019.
In accordance with section 36, subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered II. modification to the Masaryk University Statutes on 15 May 2020 under Ref. No. MSMT-209326/2020.
In accordance with Section 36 subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. III to the Masaryk University Statutes on 10 December 2020 under Ref. No. MSMT-45302/2020-1.
In accordance with Section 36 subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. IV to the Masaryk University Statutes on 29 August 2022 under Ref. No. MSMT-23556/2022-3.
In accordance with Section 36 subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. V to the Masaryk University Statutes on 1 December 2023 under Ref. No. MSMT-29299/2023-2.
In accordance with Section 36 subsection 2 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. VI to the Masaryk University Statutes on 31 January 2024 under Ref. No. MSMT-1721/2024- 2.
In accordance with Section 36(2) and (5) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports registered modification No. VII to the Masaryk University Statutes under Ref. No. MSMT-6299/2024-2 as of the date of signing the registration.
Mgr. Karolína Gondková
Director of the Department of Higher Education Institutions
(applicable from 1 September 2024)
PDF version and previous versions
Part One
General provisions
Section 1
Introductory Provisions
(1) Masaryk University is a public higher education institution. The mission of Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as “MU”) is set out in Section 1 of Act No. 111/1998 on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, (hereinafter referred to as “Act”). Within the provisions of its mission, MU freely and independently carries out educational as well as scientific, research, developmental and innovative, artistic or other creative activities (hereinafter referred to as “creative activities”) and associated activities.
(2) MU was established by Act No. 50/1919 Coll. Pursuant to the Act, its official name is “Masaryk University”. From 1 January 1999 to 31 December 2005 the designated university name was “Masaryk University in Brno”. From 1 September 1960 to 28 February 1990 the designated university name was “Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Brno”. The university uses a round stamp with the coat of arms of the Czech Republic and a label reading “Masarykova univerzita”.
(3) The designated seat of MU is Žerotínovo nám. 617/9, Brno.
Company identification number: 00216224
(4) In international relations, MU uses either its full name in Czech or the full name of the university in English: “Masaryk University”, or the full name of the university in French: “Université Masaryk”, or the full name of the university in German: “Masaryk Universität”.
Part Two
Academic Freedoms, MU Academic Community
Section 2
Academic Freedoms
(1) Academic rights and freedoms are guaranteed at MU in accordance with section 4 of the Act, in particular the freedom of scholarly, scientific, research and artistic activities as well as the freedom to teach and the right to learn.
(2) The freedom of scholarly, scientific and research activities includes in particular the freedom to formulate problems and select methodologies as well as to evaluate and publish research results.
(3) Interventions into scientific research by MU bodies, faculties or university institutes are permissible only in relation to the support and harmonization of research tasks. They must never affect the freedoms listed in subsection 2.
(4) The freedom of teaching includes in particular the conduct of lectures, including their content and methodology, as well as the right to express scientific opinions, in the context of the fulfilment of teaching tasks implemented on the basis of degree programmes and plans.
(5) Interventions by MU bodies, faculties or university institutes are permissible only insofar as they concern the organization of teaching, implementation and observance of these Statutes, the statutes of individual faculties and compliance with study plans and internal MU regulations.
(6) The right to learn, subject to compliance with obligations stipulated by the Study and Examination Regulations, includes the free choice of study specialization within the framework of one's studies, the freedom to express one's views during lectures and the freedom to enjoy additional learning-related rights listed in section 62 of the Act.
(7) Interventions by MU bodies, faculties or higher education institutions into the right to learn are permissible only insofar as they concern the organization and observance of the conditions of teaching in all forms of study, in particular those regulated by the MU Study and Examination Regulations. They must never affect the freedoms listed in subsection 6.
Section 3
Academic Community
(1) The MU academic community consists of its academic employees and students (section 3 of the Act).
(2) Each member of the MU academic community shall enjoy the academic rights and freedoms set out in section 4 of the Act and section 2 of these Statutes.
(3) The MU academic community is a common and inherent guarantor of the academic freedoms and rights of each of its members. At the same time, all members of the MU academic community are responsible for defending and developing these rights and freedoms.
(4) MU supports the activities of scientific, scholarly, professional, student, trade union and other special-interest associations associating members of the MU academic community whose activities are designed to help fulfil the MU mission; the university may assist such associations.
(5) MU academic community members are obliged to uphold the good name of MU.
(6) Other rights and obligations of students (sections 62 and 63 of the Act) and academic employees (section 70, subsections 1 to 4 of the Act) are not affected by subsections 1 to 5.
(7) The MU academic community convenes in order to discuss important issues or measures associated with the operation of MU, especially in connection with the election of members of the MU Academic Senate, the submission of nominations for the appointment of the Rector and his or her dismissal or ceremonial occasions of a university-related or social nature.
(8) The right to convene a meeting of MU academic community is reserved for the Rector or the MU Academic Senate chair.
Part Three
MU Bodies
Section 4
Academic Authorities and Other Bodies
(1) MU academic authorities include the following:
a) Academic Senate,
b) Rector,
c) MU Scientific Board,
d) Internal Evaluation Board,
(2) Additional MU bodies include:
a) Board of Trustees,
b) Bursar.
Section 5
Academic Senate
(1) The legal status of the MU Academic Senate (hereinafter referred to as "MUAS"), its establishment and its competences are determined in sections 8 and 9 of the Act.
(2) The MUAS has 55 members, elected from among the members of the MU academic community, of whom 22 are students.
(3) The MUAS is headed by a chair and two vice-chairs.
(4) Membership in the MUAS and the performance of the function of a member of the MUAS are incompatible with the offices of Rector, vice-rector, dean or vice-dean as well as with the positions of bursar, faculty bursar or director of a constituent part of the university.
(5) The MUAS chairperson informs the MU academic community of the activities of the MUAS at least once a year.
(6) The manner used for electing MUAS members is set out in the MUAS Rules of Procedure, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter b of the Act).
(7) The organizational structure of the MUAS, its code of conduct and the codes of conduct of its bodies are set out in the MUAS Rules of Procedure, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter c of the Act).
Section 6
(1) MU is headed by the Rector, whose legal status and competence are prescribed by law, these Statutes and other internal regulations of MU.
(2) The Rector is appointed and dismissed by the president of the Czech Republic on the basis of a proposal made by the MUAS. The proposal is transmitted to the president of the Czech Republic by the MUAS chair through the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (hereinafter referred to as "Minister").
(3) The manner of discussion and acceptance of a proposal for the appointment of the Rector is set out in Appendix No. 1.
(4) The duration of the Rector's term of office and other eligibility conditions are set out in section 10, subsection 3 of the Act.
(5) Persons answering directly to the Rector include vice-rectors, deans, the bursar and other senior employees enumerated in the MU Organizational Code.
(6) The Rector is free to establish additional advisory bodies as required.
Section 7
(1) Vice-rectors are responsible for designated activity segments. Their legal status is prescribed by section 10, subsection 4 of the Act, these Statutes and additional internal MU regulations.
(2) Vice-rectors are appointed and dismissed by the Rector following a statement issued by the MUAS (section 9, subsection 2, letter b of the Act). They answer directly to the Rector in designated areas assigned to them by the Rector. The number of vice-rectors and their duties are determined by the Rector.
(3) Vice-Rectors are responsible for acting on behalf of MU in administrative matters in designated areas assigned to them as well as participating in managerial and other relationships within the scope of their functional duties.
(4) Vice-rectors may substitute for one another in accordance with a decision issued by the Rector. In his or her absence, the Rector is represented in full by a vice-rector appointed by the Rector, or, in his or her absence, by other vice-rectors as designated by the Rector.
Section 8
Scientific Board
(1) The legal status of the MU Scientific Board (hereinafter referred to as "MUSB") and its competences are set out in sections 11 and 12 of the Act, these Statutes and internal MU regulations. MUSB competences set out in section 12, subsection 1, letters b and c of the Act are entrusted to the MU Internal Evaluation Board.
(2) MUSB members are appointed and dismissed, following prior approval by the MUAS, by the Rector, who is also the MUSB chairperson.
(3) In addition to competences referred to in subsection 1, MUSB also approves the granting of the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa, the awarding of selected MU medals and other MU awards, as appropriate.
(4) Rules applicable to the holding and conducing of MUSB sessions are set out in the MUSB Rules of Procedure, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter e of the Act).
Section 9
Internal Evaluation Board
(1) The legal status of the MU Internal Evaluation Board (hereinafter referred to as "MUIEB") and its competences are set out in section 12 of the Act, these Statutes and internal MU regulations.
(2) The MUIEB has 15 members. The MUIEB is chaired by the Rector. The MUIEB vice-chair is appointed and dismissed by the Rector from amongst MU academic employees who are professors or associate professors. The MUAS chair is a member of MUIEB.
(3) The MUIEB vice-chair and all other members are appointed and dismissed, after prior approval by the MUAS, by the Rector: four members are appointed at his or her discretion, four members in accordance with a proposal made by the MUAS and four members in accordance with a proposal made by the MUSB. One appointed member must always be a student, in accordance with a quota stipulated by the MUAS. At least two appointed members must be persons other than members of the MU academic community. The position of a MUIEB member is incompatible with the position of vice-rector, dean, vice-dean or director of a university institute at MU. MUIEB membership reflects the nature of the educational scope of degree programmes implemented at MU.
(4) In accordance with subsection 3, MUIEB members are appointed to a term of six years, with the exception of the appointed student member, whose term of office is two years, and the MUIEB vice-chair, whose term of office is set by the Rector. In case the position of a MUIEB member is terminated prior to the expiry of his or her term of office, a new member is appointed for the remainder of such a term. The position of MUIEB member may be held by the same individual for a maximum of two consecutive terms. The performance of a member's function, with the exception of a member appointed from outside of the MU academic community, is bound to his or her status at MU.
(5) Following a proposal made by the Rector, the MUIEB is tasked with delivering an opinion regarding intent to renounce institutional accreditation, intent to cancel a degree programme or intent to waive the accreditation of a habilitation procedure or a professor appointment procedure.
(6) Rules applicable to the holding and conducing of MUIEB sessions are set out in the MUIEB Rules of Procedure, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter k of the Act).
Section 10
Board of Trustees
(1) The legal status, establishment and competence of the MU Board of Trustees, which has 15 members, are set out in sections 14 and 15 of the Act.
(2) Members of the MU Board of Trustees are appointed to six-year-long terms of office by the Minister following a consultation with the Rector. This does not affect the provisions of the last sentence of section 14, subsection 2 of the Act.
(3) The election of the Board of Trustees chair and vice-chairs as well as the board's sessions and conduct are regulated by the MU Board of Trustees Statute, as approved by the Minister.
(4) In accordance with the provisions of section 14, subsection 5, sentence 1 of the Act, the date of transfer refers to the day when documents listed in section 15, subsection 2, letters b and c of the Act are made available to Board of Trustees members via the MU Information System.
Section 11
(1) The bursar is responsible for the management and internal administration of MU; his or her legal status is established by section 16 of the Act, these Statutes, other internal regulations and other MU regulations.
(2) As a rule, the bursar is appointed by the Rector on the basis of a selection procedure; the bursar is directly subordinate to the Rector answers directly to him or her. The bursar is also dismissed by the Rector.
Section 12
Rector’s Council
(1) The Rector's Council (hereinafter referred to as “Council”) is an advisory body to the Rector. Its permanent members are vice-rectors, deans, the bursar, the MUAS chairperson, directors of university institutes and other members appointed by the Rector at his or her discretion.
(2) The Council, convened by the Rector as required, discusses key tasks, MU management and administration, collaboration and cooperation between individual constituent parts of MU and various operational issues.
Section 13
Additional Advisory Bodies
(1) The Rector may appoint advisory boards, committees or other bodies.
(2) The members of such bodies are appointed by the Rector at his or her discretion.
Part Four
MU Organizational Structure
Section 14
Constituent Parts
(1) MU is subdivided into constituent parts including faculties (section 22, subsection 1, letter a of the Act), university institutes (section 22, subsection 1, letter b of the Act), other units designated for educational and creative activities and for the provision of information services (section 22, subsection 1, letter c of the Act), special purpose facilities for cultural and sports activities, accommodation and catering – in particular for members of the MU academic community – and units tasked with ensuring MU operation (section 22, subsection 1, letter d of the Act) and the Rector's Office.
(2) MU includes the following faculties (in order of establishment):
a) Faculty of Law,
b) Faculty of Medicine,
c) Faculty of Science,
d) Faculty of Arts,
e) Faculty of Education,
f) Faculty of Pharmacy,
g) Faculty of Economics and Administration,
h) Faculty of Informatics,
i) Faculty of Social Studies,
j) Faculty of Sports Studies,
(3) MU includes the following university institutes (in order of establishment):
a) Institute of Computer Science,
b) Central European Institute of Technology.
(4) The establishment and dissolution of additional MU units (in accordance with section 22, subsection 1, letter c of the Act) and special purpose MU facilities (in accordance with section 22, subsection 1, letter d of the Act) shall be decided and their scope determined by the MUAS following a proposal submitted by the Rector.
(5) The common name designated for all MU constituent parts, with the exception of faculties, university institutes and the Rector's Office, is MU university facility.
Section 15
Status, Competences and Rights of Faculties
(1) A faculty implements at least one accredited degree programme and conducts creative activity.
(2) A faculty is headed by a dean, appointed and dismissed by the Rector following a proposal submitted by the faculty academic senate. The proposal for the appointment of a dean is submitted to the Rector by the faculty academic senate chair. The announcement of elections, nomination of candidates and faculty academic senate session tasked with deciding and appointing a dean, including the introduction of individual candidates and their programme statements, is communicated to the Rector sufficiently in advance; the Rector is entitled to attend such a session. The Rector may dismiss a dean on his own initiative, albeit exclusively following a consultation with the faculty academic senate and with the approval of the MUAS and only in case the dean in question has failed to fulfil his or her duties or has seriously damaged the interests of MU or of an MU faculty.
(3) The competence and powers of official faculty bodies are enumerated in sections 24 to 33 of the Act and in the statutes of individual faculties.
(4) In addition to matters set out in section 24, subsection 1 of the Act, faculty bodies are also authorized to decide and act on behalf of MU in matters of MU property management – in an extent specified in section 48 – while also being authorized to decide the following matters: )a the design and implementation of degree programmes, specifically in accordance with rules stipulating the quality assurance of educational, creative and related activities and the internal quality evaluation of activities implemented by a public higher education institution, )b the strategic focus of creative activities within a scope described in the MU strategic plan of educational and creative activities and its annual implementation updates, )c international relations and other external relations with legal entities participating in activities associated with degree programmes implemented by a given faculty, )d complementary activities implemented in accordance with the faculty's focus and MU management rules, )e other matters specifically enumerated in these Statutes.
(5) Faculty activities adhere to legal and other generally binding regulations, these Statutes, other internal regulations and other MU regulations as well as to their own internal regulations and other regulations.
(6) In the case of disagreement among deans in matters concerning the rights of individual faculties, such a matter is decided by the Rector.
(7) Decisions regarding the establishment, merger, amalgamation, splitting or dissolution of a faculty in accordance with section 23, subsection 3 of the Act are made by the MUAS following a proposal submitted by the Rector. Prior to submitting such a proposal, the Rector requests a statement from the MUSB and MUIEB.
Section 16
Status and Competences of University Institutes
(1) University institutes carry out creative activities and may also participate in the implementation of accredited degree programmes.
(2) The internal organization of university institutes is governed by organizational codes issued by the Rector.
(3) Each university institute is headed by a director, appointed and dismissed by the Rector whom he or she is directly subordinated to and whom he or she directly answers to with respect to the conduct of a given unit's activities.
(4) University institute directors decide and act on behalf of MU with respect to the handling of MU property to the extent specified in section 48.
(5) University institute directors appoint and dismiss their deputies and senior employees tasked with leading university institute departments which fall within their direct competence.
(6) University institute directors are tasked with deciding and acting on behalf of MU in matters of labour-law relations applicable to employees who fall within their direct competence.
(7) The activities of university institutes adhere to legal and other generally binding regulations, these Statutes, other internal regulations and other MU regulations.
Section 17
Status and Competences of University Facilities
(1) The internal organization of university facilities is governed by organizational codes issued by the Rector.
(2) Each university facility is headed by a director, appointed and dismissed by the Rector whom he or she is directly subordinated to and whom he or she directly answers to with respect to the conduct of a given unit's activities.
(3) University facility directors decide and act on behalf of MU with respect to the handling of MU property to the extent specified in section 48.
(4) The activities of university facilities adhere to legal and other generally binding regulations, these Statutes, other internal regulations and other MU regulations.
(5) The status and activities of a university facility which constitutes a common unit operated by faculties or university institutes shall also be governed, within the scope of rules set out in section 4, by an agreement concluded by the constituent parts jointly responsible for the operation of such a facility. Similarly, such an agreement – once approved by the Rector – may regulate the relationships of individual constituent parts with respect to the performance of their tasks. Such an agreement always forms part of the organizational code of a given university facility.
Section 18
Status and Competences of the Rector's Office
(1) The Rector's Office is a constituent part of MU which facilitates the exercise of the authority of MU bodies, performs administrative and economic activities on behalf of MU as a whole and provides centralized services to constituent parts of MU..
(2) The internal organization of the Rector's Office is determined by the MU Organizational Code issued by the Rector.
Part Five
Admission to Studies and Entrance Application Submission
Section 19
Legal and Other Conditions for Admission to Studies
(1) The legal conditions for admission to studies in a degree programme are set out in section 48 of the Act.
(2) Faculties are at liberty to specify additional conditions of admission to studies pertaining to particular knowledge required, abilities, talent, or results achieved at secondary schools, higher vocational schools or higher education institutions. If required by the nature of the degree programme, the physical fitness of an applicant may also be taken into account. Fulfilment of the conditions for admission to studies is subject to verification by means of an entrance examination, generally comprising a written test, an oral or talent examination or a combination thereof.
(3) Faculties may also specify the maximum number of admitted students who have met the requirements. Should there be more applicants that have met these requirements, their admission is based on the order of the best applicants.
(4) Faculties may stipulate different admission conditions for applicants listed specified in section 49, subsection 3 of the Act.
(5) Faculties are at liberty to specify conditions waiving an entrance examination or its part.
(6) Faculties are at liberty to waive an entrance examination in case an applicant has obtained in accordance with section 60 of the Act a minimum of 45 credits in a lifelong learning course in the immediately preceding and current semester, or has obtained a minimum of 20 credits in the current semester, or a minimum of 60 credits in 4 previous semesters at the most for completed courses which in their content correspond to courses within a degree programme where he or she has submitted an application for admission.
(7) Conditions for admission to studies (set out in subsections 1 to 6) in a degree programme (sections 44 to 47 of the Act) for an upcoming academic year are submitted to the faculty academic senate for approval by the dean in a manner consistent with deadlines specified in section 21.
Section 20
Admission of Foreign Citizens to Studies
(1) Foreign citizens are admitted to studies in accredited degree programmes implemented in Czech subject to conditions applicable to citizens of the Czech Republic. This does not infringe the right of individual faculties to stipulate different admission conditions for degree programmes implemented in a foreign language or for programmes implemented in accordance with section 49, subsection 3 of the Act.
(2) Admission requirements for international students regarding degree programmes implemented at MU must facilitate the fulfilment of obligations resulting from international treaties binding for the Czech Republic (section 49, subsection 2 of the Act) and from agreements concluded by MU or its constituent part responsible for implementing a given programme.
(3) Admission requirements as well as the course of studies of international students arriving to the Czech Republic under the provisions of interuniversity or interfaculty agreements are subject to such agreements.
(4) Admission requirements for foreign citizens, apart from cases specified in subsections 2 and 3, are determined by the faculty responsible for implementing the degree programme selected by a given foreign citizen.
Section 21
Entrance Application Deadlines
(1) The deadline and manner of submitting entrance applications for admission to study, conditions of admission as well as the term and method of verification of meeting these conditions must be made public by a faculty in advance, no less than four months ahead of time.
(2) All information specified in subsection 1, including information relevant to entrance applications (hereinafter referred to as “application”), shall be announced on a publicly available faculty website.
Section 22
Admission Procedure
()1 The admission procedure begins with the applicant delivering the application to a faculty responsible for implementing a given degree programme. ()2 The application must be submitted before the deadline specified by MU and announced in accordance with section 21. In exceptional cases the dean may decide to accept an application submitted at a later date. ()3 All relevant application supplements, document amendments and application defect elimination procedures are stipulated by individual faculties.
Section 23
Admission Procedure Fees
(1) Fees applicable to actions associated with the admission procedure are stipulated by MU in accordance with section 58, subsections 1 and 4 of the Act.
(2) pecifications of various fees types, assessment of fee amounts, payment terms and forms of payment as well as any other conditions relevant to the collection of such fees, are specified in Appendix No. 2 entitled Study-related Fees which forms an integral part of these Statutes.
Section 24
Entrance Examinations
(1) Entrance examinations proceed according to a timetable established by the dean.
(2) Faculties are at liberty to set an alternate examination date at the discretion of the dean. In case an entrance examination or its part consists of a university-wide written test, an alternate examination date is set at the discretion of the Rector. In all other cases, this matter is decided by the dean.
Section 25
Decision on Denial of Admission to Studies
(1) Decisions regarding admission to studies are made by the dean. The Admission Committee, appointed by the dean, functions as an advisory body.
(2) A decision must be issued within 30 days of the verification of conditions for admission to studies.
(3) An applicant may view the relevant documentation only once a notification of the decision has been issued; the faculty is responsible for the organization thereof. The applicant may also be provided with a copy of the relevant documentation instead.
Section 26
(1) A decision may be appealed by the applicant within 30 days of its announcement. The appeal is submitted to the dean of the faculty in a manner stated in the instructions.
(2) The dean shall review the appeal and, if he or she concludes that the decision was issued in violation of the law, MU internal regulations or their part or conditions set out in accordance with section 49, subsections 1 and 3 of the Act, the appeal shall be upheld and the decision revised. Otherwise, the dean proceeds in accordance with section 88 of Act No. 500/2004 Coll., the Administrative Procedure Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative Code").
(3) In preparation of the appeal procedure, the Rector may appoint an advisory commission, to whom the Rector shall refer documents under subsection 2.
(4) The Rector shall consider the appeal and if he/she concludes that it was issued contrary to law, an internal regulation of MU or its constituent part, or conditions set out in section 49 subsections 1 and 3 of the Act, he/she shall grant the appeal and change or cancel the contested decision or its part and remand the matter to the dean for reconsideration. In the opposite case, the Rector shall uphold the decision.
Section 27
Delivery of Documents
(1) In procedures conducted in accordance with section 50 of the Act, MU delivers documents to applicants for studies either directly or through a postal service.
(2) Decisions issued in accordance with section 50 of the Act are, within the meaning of section 69a of the Act and upon the consent of the applicant, delivered by making the text accessible through the MU Information System in the form of a downloadable file. The link to this document shall be sent to the applicant’s email address specified by the applicant in advance. In this case, the first day following the making of the decision accessible to the applicant is deemed to constitute the date of delivery and notification of the decisionIn
(3) If an applicant is represented on the basis of a power of attorney in a procedure, the decision shall be delivered only to his or her representative, except in cases where the person represented is required to personally act in some capacity as part of the procedure. Delivery to the represented has no effect on the duration of terms.
(4) Documents related to lifelong learning may be delivered to applicants and participants to lifelong learning through the MU Information System.
Part Six
Educational Activities at MU
Section 28
Degree Programmes and their Guarantors
(1) MU implements Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree programmes (Sections 44 to 47a of the Act).
(2) A degree programme may be implemented:
a) independently at one faculty,
b) independently at each of several faculties,
c) conjointly at several faculties,
d) primarily at one faculty and partly at another faculty, possibly at other faculties.
(3) With respect to degree programmes implemented under letters c) or d), it must be determined which faculty a student is enrolled at; moreover, it must also be specified which faculty directives he or she is under obligation to follow.
(4) Accredited degree programmes or their parts may also be implemented by university institutes.
(5) A degree programme is outlined in detail in the study plan.
(6) A study plans specifies both temporal and content-related course succession, the relevant form of study and the manner of study results verification (section 44, subsection 3 of the Act).
(7) The authorization of MU to implement degree programmes under legally stipulate conditions is based on institutional or degree programme accreditation. The list of accredited degree programmes implemented at MU, including their type and profile, forms of teaching, standard durations of study and information on their availability for persons with disabilities is available in the public part of the MU website.
(8) Each degree programme is allocated a guarantor from among academic employees. A degree programme guarantor is appointed and dismissed by the dean of the faculty. In the case of a degree programme implemented in accordance with subsection 2, letters c or d, the guarantor shall be appointed by the dean of the faculty responsible for administering the degree programme in question unless otherwise agreed upon by the deans of the relevant faculties. A degree programme guarantor is responsible for ensuring and developing the expert level of the degree programme, conducting regular quality assurance and evaluation procedures and coordinating teaching content.
Section 29
Study-related Fees
(1) Study-related fees are established by MU in accordance with section 58, subsections 3 and 4 of the Act.
(2) Specifications of various fee types, assessment of fee amounts, payment terms and forms of payment as well as any other conditions relevant to the collection of such fees, are specified in Appendix No. 2 entitled Study-related Fees which forms an integral part of these Statutes.
Section 30
Advanced Master's State Examinations except for General Medicine and Stomatology
(1) Graduates of Master’s degree programmes who have acquired the academic degree of “Magistr” (“Master”) may advance in the same field of study and, under conditions stipulated by the Act (section 46, subsection 5 and section 99, subsection 5 of the Act), the MU Advanced Master’s State Examination Regulations and MU internal regulations, may undergo an advanced Master’s state examination including an advanced Master’s thesis defence. Statutory academic degrees are awarded on successful completion.
(2) The manner and course of the admission procedure during the course of registration for the advanced Master’s state examination as well as any details relevant to the implementation of said examination, its proceedings and evaluation are determined by the MU Advanced Master’s State Examination Regulations and MU internal regulations. Fee amounts applicable to acts associated with admission to this examination and with the implementation of this examination are stipulated by faculty deans. The form and terms of payment are to be made public at least one month before the beginning of the academic yearThe
(3) The provisions of subsections 1 and 2 do not apply to studies concluded by an advanced Master’s state examination in the General Medicine or Stomatology Master’s degree programmes (second sentence of section 46, subsection 3 of the Act).
Section 31
Lifelong Learning and Education in Internationally Recognized Courses
(1) As part of its educational activities, MU and its constituent parts provide either tuition-free or paid education in lifelong learning programmes in accordance with section 60 of the Act or education in an internationally recognized course in accordance with section 60a of the Act.
(2) Detailed requirements are set out in the MU Lifelong Learning Code, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter k of the Act), other internal regulations and other regulations of constituent parts of MU responsible for implementing lifelong learning programmes and internationally recognized courses.
(3) Education in lifelong learning programmes or internationally recognized courses does not confer upon the participants thereof the legal status of students.
Section 32
Recognition of Foreign University Education and Qualifications
(1) Upon the request of a graduate of a foreign higher education institution, a certificate of recognition of higher education or its part in the Czech Republic shall be issued.
(2) Conditions relevant to the issuing of certification or recognition of higher education or its part in the Czech Republic are specified in sections 89 to 90a of the Act.
Part Seven
Section 33
(1) Applicants for studies in degree programmes implemented at MU faculties become students on enrolment at a given faculty in a time limit set out by that faculty (section 51 of the Act). Under section 54 of the Act, a person interrupting their studies may regain student status on the date of repeated enrolment.
(2) A person ceases to be a student on the day of termination of studies according to section 55, subsection 1 and section 56, subsections 1 and 2 of the Act or following interruption of studies according to section 54 of the Act.
(3) MU student rights and duties are specified in sections 62 and 63 of the Act. Each student is namely obligated to fulfil his or her duties in person, properly and honourably, refraining from any fraudulent behaviour throughout the duration of his or her studies while respecting the rights and legally protected interests of MU and his or her faculty.
(4) Consequences resulting from a breach of discipline due to obligation infringement on the part of a student are defined by sections 64 to 67 of the Act.
(5) The issuance of decisions relevant to student rights and obligations enumerated in section 68, subsection 1 of the Act, is governed namely by sections 2 and 3 and by the relevant provisions of the Administrative Code.
(6) A decision issued in accordance with subsection 5 may be appealed by the student within 30 days of notification; this deadline may be waived should serious issues arise which the student was unable to control, provided that all other conditions set out in section 41 of the Administrative Code have been met. The appellate authority in such cases is the Rector.
(7) The Rector, or the dean in the case of proceedings conducted in accordance with section 87 of the Administrative Code, examines the conformity of the contested decision and the proceedings which preceded the decision with the legal regulations and internal MU and faculty regulations. The Rector shall cancel a decision on disciplinary misconduct and on exclusion from further studies pursuant to section 67 of the Act even in case of a subsequent introduction of facts potentially justifying a suspension of the procedure.
(8) If necessary, MU authorities and the relevant MU faculty authorities will, in connection with a decision issued by the Rector or the dean under the provisions of section 7, provide for a restoration of the student’s rights as well as for any compensation or reduction of consequences arising from an incorrect decision.
Section 34
Register of Students
(1) MU keeps a register of students for record-keeping, budgetary and statistical purposes. The contents of the register of students, matters relevant to the process of keeping records on students, the updating of such records and associated extract and duplicate issuance are stipulated by section 88, subsections 2 to 4 of the Act.
(2) The register of students is kept at the individual faculties and managed by employees specifically entrusted with the keeping of such records by the dean. The register of students is likewise kept at the Rector’s Office and managed by employees specifically entrusted with the keeping of such records by the Rector.
Section 35
(1) MU students may be eligible for scholarships.
(2) Conditions for awarding scholarships funded from subsidies or contributions to MU students are specified in section 91, subsections 2 to 4, and section 6 of the Act.
(3) Principles for awarding scholarships to students are further specified by the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations (section 17, subsection 1, letter h of the Act).
Section 36
Decision Delivery
(1) Decisions in cases set out in section 68, subsection 1, letters a, b and d of the Act, satisfying the student's application, and decisions in cases set out in section 68, subsection 1, letter e of the Act, shall be delivered by means of an announcement of the original text of the decision via the MU Information System in the form of a downloadable file; the link to this document shall be sent to the student's email address. In this case, the first day following the announcement making a decision available to the student is deemed to constitute the date of delivery and notification.
(2) In case a document associated with proceedings in accordance with section 68 of the Act cannot be delivered due to a student's failure to fulfil obligations set out in section 68, subsection 3, letter b of the Act or in case a document cannot be delivered to a delivery address declared by the student, the document shall be delivered by public notice; the university is under no obligation to appoint a guardian.
(3) If a student is represented on the basis of a power of attorney in a procedure, the decision shall be delivered only to his or her representative, except in cases where the person represented is required to personally act in some capacity as part of the procedure. Delivery to the represented has no effect on the duration of terms.
Section 37
Disciplinary Proceedings
(1) Disciplinary proceedings handle students’ disciplinary misdemeanours as well as cases which may justify exclusion from studies according to section 67 of the Act.
(2) The character and manner of proceedings relevant to disciplinary misdemeanours and the penalties imposed under section 65, subsection 1 of the Act are determined by the Disciplinary Rules for Students as the internal regulations of each MU faculty (section 33, subsection 2, letter e) of the Act).
Section 38
Declaration of Invalidity Proceedings
(1) The Rector decides matters associated with proceedings declaring the invalidity of a final state examination or its part, an Advanced Master's state examination or its part, a doctoral state examination or doctoral thesis defence held at MU (sections 47c to 47e of the Act).
(2) Documents relevant to a decision on proceedings conducted in accordance with subsection 1 shall include a statement issued by a review committee appointed by the Rector. The review committee has 7 members. The Rector shall designate such a committee in view of the requirements of section 47c, subsection 6 of the Act, i.e. composed so that most of its members have had experience with the relevant field of education or a related area and so that one of the members is a student appointed following a proposal submitted by the faculty academic senate chair.
Part Eight
MU employees
Section 39
Academic employees
(1) Academic employees include professors, associate professors, adjunct professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers and scientific, research and development workers involved as employees in labour-law relationships with MU and conducting pedagogical and creative activities according to the agreed type of work.
(2) Additional specialists may participate in teaching activities on the basis of work contracts outside the scope of regular employment.
(3) Academic employees are involved in labour-law relationships with MU.
(4) In case an academic employee conducts his or her activities at several constituent parts of MU, issues associated with his or her labour-law relationships are the purview of a dean or director of the constituent part of MU where the academic employee conducts a larger part of his or her activities, unless otherwise specified. In case such an employee has an equal workload at the faculties in question, issues associated with his or her labour-law relationships are the purview of the dean of the faculty listed first in the list of faculties (section 14, subsection 2), unless otherwise specified
(5) Remuneration rules applicable to academic employees are set out in the MU Internal Wage Regulations, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter d of the Act).
(6) Creative leave may be provided to academic employees following a request lodged in accordance with terms defined in section 76 of the Act and in internal and other regulations issued by MU.
Section 40
Associate Professors and Professors
(1) An associate professor in a given field is appointed by the Rector on the basis of a habilitation procedure designed to establish the scientific or artistic qualifications of an applicant, particularly on the basis of a habilitation thesis and its defence and on the basis of additional scholarly, professional or artistic works. The applicant’s competence is also evaluated on the basis of his or her habilitation paper and previous teaching experience. The habilitation procedure, initialized by a request on the part of the applicant, is governed by sections 72 and 75 of the Act.
(2) A professor in a given field is appointed by the president of the Czech Republic following a proposal made by the MU Scientific Board presented via the Minister. Professorship appointment procedures are governed by sections 74 and 75 of the Act.
(3) Habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures at Masaryk University are not subject to the Administrative Code.
(4) The authority of MU to perform habilitation procedures or procedures for the appointment of professors in a given field is subject to accreditation awarded by the National Higher Education Accreditation Authority according to section 82 of the Act. A list of fields accredited for habilitation procedures or procedures for the appointment of professors at MU is available on a publicly accessible MU website.
(5) Detailed descriptions of the habilitation procedure and professor appointment procedure are stipulated by the Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Code, an internal MU regulation (section 17, subsection 1, letter k of the Act).
(6) Fees applicable to habilitation procedures and professor appointment procedures are stipulated by MU.
Section 41
Proceedings Invalidating an Associate Professor Appointment
(1) Proceedings invalidating an associate professor appointment granted as a result of habilitation proceedings held at MU (sections 74a to 74c of the Act) are decided by the Rector.
(2) Documents relevant to a decision on proceedings conducted in accordance with subsection 1 shall include a statement issued by a review committee appointed by the Rector. The review committee has 5 members, of which one is nominated by the Minister; most committee members must not be MU employees.
(3) Procedure details are specified by the MU Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Code.
Section 42
Visiting Professors
(1) Visiting professors may work at MU in positions comparable to those of academic employees.
(2) The competences and legal relationship of a visiting professor with MU are set out in a contract. The contract is negotiated by a relevant employee (Rector, dean or university institute director).
(3) Subsections 1 and 2 are similarly applicable to visiting teachers and researchers.
Section 43
Professors Emeritus
(1) A former academic employee of MU who has achieved the rank of professor and whose pedagogical and scientific activities contributed to the development of MU or of its constituent parts in an extraordinary way may be granted the status of professor emeritus.
(2) A professor emeritus is an honorary member of the MU academic community and as such has the right to participate in its activities.
Section 44
Selection Procedures
(1) Academic employee positions at MU are filled on the basis of selection procedures. It is possible to refrain from a selection procedure under conditions specified in section 77 of the Act.
(2) A selection procedure may likewise be used to fill positions of specialized and other MU employees.
(3) Selection procedure rules are set out in the MU Regulations on Competitive Selection Procedures for Filling Academic and Other Positions, an internal regulation of MU (section 17, subsection 1, letter f of the Act).
Section 45
Additional Employees
(1) Apart from members of the MU academic community (section 3), MU also employs additional employees involved in scientific, research, developmental or other creative activities as well as employees performing additional professional, administrative, executive, economic and technical activities necessary for the fulfilment of the MU mission.
(2) Employees listed in subsection 1 are involved in labour law relations with MU.
(3) Remuneration rules applicable to additional employees are set out in the MU Internal Wage Regulations, an internal regulation of MU (section 17, subsection 1, letter d of the Act).
Section 46
Employee Ethics
(1) Key ethical requirements applicable to the conduct of MU employees with respect to the performance of their professional and academic activities and especially to their educational, research and evaluation or expert activities, are summarized in the MU Employee Code of Ethics (hereinafter referred to as the "Code of Ethics").
(2) In view of their nature as well as with respect to the additional circumstances of an individual case, violations of this Code of Ethics may be assessed as a breach of obligations arising from legislation relating to work performed by an employee or as failure to fulfil the requirements of proper work performance.
Part Nine
MU Financial Management
Section 47
(1) MU draws up its budget for the calendar year and manages its finances in compliance with this budget. The relevant budgeting methodology is set out in section 18 of the Act.
(2) The MU budget is drawn up in accordance with its economic units, i.e. faculties, university institutes and other independently managed units specified in the MU Organizational Code. The use of financial resources is governed by budgeting rules issued by the Rector.
(3) Rules for the allocation of the state budget contribution for educational and creative activity (hereinafter referred to as "contribution") are discussed by the MUAS at the proposal of the Rector; the MUAS subsequently adopts a position.
(4) The MU budget is approved by the MUAS and the MU Board of Trustees following a proposal made by the Rector for a period beginning on 1 January and ending on 31 December of each calendar year in accordance with section 9, subsection 1, letter c and section 15, subsection 2, letter b of the Act. From 1 January until the approval of the MU budget, budget management is governed by the provisions of a temporary budget which stipulates that monthly expenditures may not exceed one twelfth of the annual expenditures recorded for a previous calendar year. The Rector is authorized to take the necessary measures to ensure that budget management is implemented; according to the current state of affairs, he or she may choose to increase or decrease the amounts stipulated in the previous sentence.
(5) A faculty budget is approved by the faculty academic senate following a proposal made by the dean. A faculty is authorized to independently handle financial resources allocated in accordance with rules set out in subsection 3.
(6) The budget of a university institute is submitted for comment to the scientific board of the institute by the institute director. The budget of a university institute or other university facility which comprises an economic unit is approved by the Rector.
Section 48
Assets, Asset Management
(1) MU owns assets necessary for the performance of the activities it was established for and for the performance of supplementary activities (section 19, subsection 1 of the Act).
(2) When handling MU assets, especially when acquiring and transferring such assets, the following are authorized to negotiate and decide on behalf of MU:
a) the Rector, in matters set out in section 15, subsection 1, letters a to d of the Act and when handling gifts and items of cultural value unless intended for a specific faculty or other constituent part of MU, as well as in other designated matters;
b) the bursar, or, to the extent designated by the Rector or bursar, by a different employee, in matters not specified in letters a and c;
c) a dean, or, to the extent designated by these Statutes or by the dean of a given faculty, by the faculty bursar or director of a university institute or other constituent part of MU which constitutes an economic unit in accordance with section 47, subsection 2, in matters of assets which he or she is authorized to manage:
i. the management of movable assets within the framework of its financial resources, including the disposal of unneeded movable assets,
ii. the management of matters associated with the sound management of entrusted immovable and movable assets within the framework of its financial resources,
iii. the lease of non-residential premises or real estate in case the duration of the lease does not exceed one month per individual case.
Section 49
Financial Management
(1) MU financial and accounting management methods are stipulated by section 20 of the Act. (2) MU conducts its financial management as a single entity; for internal cost and revenue monitoring and evaluation purposes, it is further broken down into economic units (section 47, subsection 2). (3) An economic unit manager answers to the Rector in matters concerning financial management outcomes, compliance with conditions governing the use of allocated funds and the potential settlement of subsidies with the state budget.
Section 50
Financial Fund Management
(1) Resources included in the Reserve Fund, created in accordance with section 18, subsection 7 of the Act may be:
a) used to cover losses from previous accounting periods and, if all losses from previous accounting periods have been settled,
b) used to cover sanctions or a temporary lack of funding (e.g. as a source for project pre-financing),
c) transferred to another fund (Fund for the Reproduction of Investment Assets, Remuneration Fund, Operating Resource Fund).
(2) Resources included in the Scholarship Fund (hereinafter referred to as "SF") created in accordance with section 18, subsection 7 of the Act may be used to fund scholarships in accordance with the MU Scholarship and Bursary Regulations.
(3) Resources included in the Remuneration Fund, created in accordance with section 18, subsection 7 of the Act may be:
a) used to pay bonuses in accordance with MU Internal Wage Regulations,
b) used to provide an additional source of wage funding,
c) used to finance associated levies (in particular health insurance, social security and state employment policy contributions and social fund contributions),
d) transferred to another fund (Fund for the Reproduction of Investment Assets, Remuneration Fund, Operating Resource Fund).
(4) Financial resources included in the Fund for the Reproduction of Investment Assets (hereinafter referred to as "FRIA") created in accordance with section 18, subsection 7 of the Act may be:
a) used to acquire long-term assets,
b) used to repay loans and borrowings used for the acquisition of fixed assets, including interest on such loans and borrowings,
c) used for contributions to legal entities and payment of MU costs associated with the establishment of legal entities,
d) used as an additional source of funding for fixed asset repairs and maintenance,
e) transferred to another fund (Reserve Fund, Remuneration Fund, Operating Resource Fund).
(5) Funds transferred to the Special Purpose Fund, created in accordance with section 18, subsection 9 of the Act, must be used in an upcoming period exclusively for the purpose which they were originally designated for, i.e. in accordance with an originally approved budget structure, or, alternatively, in accordance with approved changes to budgetary items authorized by the provider under the terms of subsidy utilization for a relevant calendar year.
(6) Resources included in the Social Fund (hereinafter referred to as “SF”) created in accordance with section 18, subsection 12 of the Act, are primarily used to cover the employer's contribution to employee supplementary pension insurance and supplementary pension savings. The Social Fund balance may also be used by the employer to finance contributions to boarding, reimburse health care costs, subsidize professional development and employee training and other activities arising from the MU strategic plan, in particular in accordance with a collective agreement.
(7) Financial resources included in the Operating Resource Fund, created in accordance with section 18, subsection 7 of the Act may be:
a) used to provide an additional source of funding for covering MU needs,
b) transferred to another fund (Reserve Fund, Remuneration Fund, Fund for the Reproduction of Investment Assets).
(8) Financial resources included in funds are managed by MU. Their utilization by economic units corresponds to how the financial management of these units contributed to the development of the funds in question. The distribution of any profits accrued after tax is specified by the Rector on the basis of proposals submitted by the heads of individual economic units.
Part Ten
MU Symbols and Academic Ceremonies
Section 51
Insignia, robes
(1) MU and faculty insignia (academic maces and chains of office) and gowns constitute the external expression of the dignity, authority and responsibility associated with the Rector, vice-rectors, deans and vice-deans (hereinafter referred to as "academic officials") on ceremonial occasions.
(2) Rules governing the usage of academic insignia and gowns and the organization of academic ceremonies at MU are set out in Appendix No. 4.
Section 52
Academic Ceremonies
(1) The Rector and deans are, as a rule, inaugurated into office; inauguration ceremonies are attended by members of the relevant academic community and invited guests. An inaugural address is presented by the Rector or dean on such an occasion.
(2) The matriculation is the ceremonial act of admission of students into the academic community of MU.
(3) Graduation is a ceremonial act where academic officials present graduates of degree programmes with diplomas indicating their academic titles and diploma supplements. Furthermore, graduation ceremonies also apply to the graduation of persons recognized with the honorary degree of doctor honoris causa.
(4) Associate professors who have successfully completed the habilitation procedure at MU are presented with appointment decrees at a ceremonial occasion.
(5) The course of inaugurations, matriculation ceremonies, graduations and other ceremonial acts is determined by the Rector.
(6) The texts of matriculation and graduation oaths sworn by students and degree programme graduates are provided in faculty statutes.
Section 53
Honorary Degrees and Titles, Medals and Awards
(1) MU presents its employees and other persons who have contributed to its development or significantly contributed to the development of science and education with honorary degrees and titles, medals and awards.
(2) The honorary degree of doctor honoris causa may be presented to an outstanding figure whose creative contribution to the development of science and culture is internationally recognized.
(3) None of the forms of recognition listed in subsection 1 are associated with any property or labour-law related claims.
(4) Additional details relevant to the forms of recognition listed in subsection 1 are set out by the Rector.
Part Eleven
Common, Temporary and Concluding Provisions
Section 54
Common Provisions
(1) The following annexes form an inherent part of these Statutes:
a) Appendix No. 1 – Manner of Discussion and Acceptance of a Proposal for the Appointment of the
b) Appendix No. 2 – Study-related Fees,
c) Appendix No. 3 – Rules Governing Monetary and Non-Monetary Deposits to Legal Entities,
d) Appendix No. 4 – Rules Governing the Usage of Academic Insignia and Gowns and the Organization of Academic Ceremonies at MU.
(2) In addition to these Statutes, additional internal regulations of MU include the following:
a) Masaryk University Academic Senate Election Regulations,
b) Masaryk University Academic Senate Rules of Procedure,
c) Masaryk University Scientific Board Rules of Procedure,
d) Masaryk University Internal Evaluation Board Rules of Procedure,
e) Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations,
f) Masaryk University Internal Wage Regulations,
g) Masaryk University Scholarship and Bursary Regulations,
h) Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations,
i) Masaryk University Lifelong Learning Regulations,
j) Masaryk University Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Regulations,
l) Masaryk University Employment Code,
m) Masaryk University Degree Programme Quality Regulations,
n) Student Disciplinary Code of Masaryk University,
o) Masaryk University Advanced Master’s State Examination Regulations.
Section 55
Temporary Provisions
(1) The first appointment of MU Internal Evaluation Board members (section 9, subsection 3), proceeds as follows: four members are appointed to a six-year term of office, four members to a four-year term and four members to a two-year term. The duration of the term of office of individual members is determined by lot. The provisions of section 9, subsection 3 applies in identical fashion, with the student being appointed to a two-year term.
(2) As long as the subdivision of degree programmes into fields of study is preserved in accordance with section 2, subsection 4 of Act No. 137/2016, Coll., the provisions of these Statutes on degree programmes as stipulated by sections 44 to 47 of the Act shall apply, as appropriate.
(3) Where an internal regulation or other MU regulation or a part thereof makes a reference to a statute effective prior to these Statutes entering into force, the relevant provisions of these Statutes shall be utilized.
Section 56
Concluding Provisions
(1) MU Statutes, registered by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on 10 June 1999, under Ref No. 23 183/99-30, as amended, with the exception of section 12 of Annex No. 6, which will expire on 31 August 2017, are hereby abolished.
(2) These Statutes have been duly approved in accordance with section 9, subsection 1, letter b) of the Act by the MU Academic Senate on 3 October 2016.
(3) These Statutes enter into force in accordance with section 36, subsection 4 of the Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(4) These Statutes shall apply from the date of their publication in the public section of the MU website, with the exception of section 9 of Annex No. 2, which shall apply from 1 September 2017.
(1) These amendments to Masaryk University Statutes were approved by the Masaryk University academic senate in accordance with section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 6 May 2019.
(2) These amendments to the Masaryk University Statutes come into force in accordance with section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) These amendments to the Masaryk University Statutes shall apply from 1 July 2019.
Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Mikuláš Bek, Ph.D.
(1) II. modification to the Masaryk University Statutes were approved by the Masaryk University academic senate in accordance with section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 4 May 2020.
(2) II. modification to the Masaryk University Statutes come into force in accordance with section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) II. modification to the Masaryk University Statutes shall apply from 1 July 2020.
(1) Modifications No. III to the Masaryk University Statutes were approved by the Masaryk University Academic Senate in accordance with Section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 7 December 2020.
(2) Modifications No. III to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into force in accordance with Section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) Modifications No. III to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into effect on 1 January 2021.
(1) Modifications No. IV to the Masaryk University Statutes were approved by the Masaryk University Academic Senate in accordance with Section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 6 June 2022.
(2) Modifications No. IV to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into force in accordance with Section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) Modifications No. IV to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into effect on 1 September 2022.
(1) Modifications No. V to the Masaryk University Statutes were approved by the Masaryk University Academic Senate in accordance with Section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 6 November 2023.
(2) Modifications No. V to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into force in accordance with Section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) Modifications No. V to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into effect on 1 December 2023.
(1) Modification No. VI to the Masaryk University Statutes was approved by the Masaryk University Academic Senate in accordance with Section 9 subsection 1 letter b point 3 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as later amended, on 22 January 2024.
(2) Modification No. VI to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into force in accordance with Section 36 subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) Modification No. VI to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into effect on 1 September 2024.
(1) Modification No. VII to the Masaryk University Statutes was approved by the Masaryk University Academic Senate in accordance with Section 9(1)(b)(3) of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended, on 8 April 2024.
(2) Modification No. VII to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into force in accordance with Section 36(4) of the Higher Education Act on the day of registration with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.
(3) Modification No. VII to the Masaryk University Statutes shall enter into effect on 1 May 2024.
Prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D.
Appendix No. 1 to the MU Statutes
Manner of Discussion and Acceptance of a Proposal for the Appointment of the Rector
(1) The MUAS decides on a proposal for the appointment of the Rector in session, voting by secret ballot.
(2) Elections seeking a candidate for the position of Rector are announced by the MUAS at least three months prior to the end of the Rector's term of office. It is prepared and managed by a five-member election committee set up for this purpose by the MUAS. Election committee members, including the committee chair, are elected from among MUAS members by secret ballot in such a fashion so that two members are selected from among the members of the MUAS student chamber.
(3) The election committee is tasked with preparing an election timetable and rules governing the submission of nominations for the position of Rector, in accordance with the requirements included in an MUAS resolution on the election, if such a resolution has been made, and with the help of a designated MU Rector's Office unit. No later than 15 days prior to the date of the election established in accordance with subsection 2, the election committee informs the MU academic community of the established rules governing the submission of nominations for the position of Rector and the election timetable. The committee is required to keep minutes of all proceedings relevant to the course and outcome of the election. Following the end of the election, these proceedings must be signed by the chair and, along with other relevant documents, transmitted to a designated MU Rector's Office unit.
(4) Candidates for the position of Rector must personally introduce themselves to the MU academic community at an MUAS session where they are asked to present their programmes.
(5) The MUAS forms a quorum necessary for issuing a proposal for the appointment of the Rector in accordance with subsection 1 if an absolute majority of all MUAS members is present. Presence specified in the first sentence is assessed according to the number of ballots handed out by the election committee to individual members; the voting process itself follows immediately afterwards. Until the final vote has been cast by the last MUAS member, who received a ballot in accordance with the second sentence, it is assumed that all MUAS members who have voted previously are still present in the voting process. Each present MUAS member has one vote. The motion for the appointment of the Rector requires the agreement of a simple majority of all MUAS members.
(6) In the event that none of the candidates nominated for the office of the Rector receive the required number of votes specified in subsection 5, the two candidates who received the highest number of votes shall proceed to the second round. In the event that an equal number of votes are cast for more than two candidates in first place or for two or more candidates in second place, all such candidates shall proceed to the second round.
(7) In the event that none of the candidates obtains the approval of an absolute majority of all MUAS members, a third round shall take place within seven to ten calendar days. The third round follows the rules set out in subsection 6.
(8) In case the MUAS is unable to accept a proposal for the appointment of the Rector even once the procedure set out in subsection 7 is applied, a new election process is announced by the MUAS without undue delay. New elections seeking a candidate for the position of Rector may take place no earlier than one month after the third round of the previous election process.
Appendix No. 2 to the MU Statutes
Study-Related Fees
Part One
Section 1
Introductory Provisions
(1) This appendix specifies the rights and obligations of applicants for studies, students and MU employees with respect to the assessment, collection and recording of study-related fees at MU; in accordance with section 58, subsection 5 of the Act, this appendix also sets out the rules for assessing the amount, form of payment and maturity of such fees.
(2) Under the provisions of this appendix, study-related fees include the following:
a) fees associated with admission procedures pursuant to section 58, subsection 1 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “application fees”),
b) fees associated with admission procedures into degree programmes implemented in a foreign language pursuant to section 58, subsection 4 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as “application fees for degree programmes conducted in a foreign language”),
c) fees for studies pursuant to section 58, subsection 3 of the Act,
d) fees for studies in a degree programme conducted in a foreign language pursuant to section 58, subsection 4 of the Act,
e) fees associated with evaluation of meeting the conditions for admission to studies in accordance with section 48 subsection 7 of the Act (hereinafter referred to as the “foreign country education evaluation fee“).
Section 2
Definition of Selected Concepts
(1) The standard duration of studies refers to the standard duration of studies specified by an accredited degree programme which a student is enrolled in; it is considered independently for each degree programme and begins on the day of enrolment in studies.
(2) In accordance with section 2, subsection 1 of the Act, degree programme types include Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral degree programmes.
(3) A degree programme of the same type according to section 58, subsection 3 of the Act may only constitute a Bachelor's degree programme in the case of a Bachelor's degree programme, a long-cycle Master's or Master's degree programme in the case of a long-cycle Master’s degree programme and a Master's or a long-cycle Master’s degree programme in the case of a Master's degree programme.
Part Two
Admission Procedure Fees
Section 3
Admission Procedure Fees
(1) Applicants for studies in Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral degree programmes accredited at MU are required to pay admission procedure fees.
(2) An admission procedure fee is paid for each submitted application unless otherwise stipulated by the dean.
(3) An admission procedure fees amounts to a maximum of 20 % of the base as specified in section 58, subsection 2 of the Act.
Section 4
Admission Procedure Fees for Studies Conducted in a Foreign Language
(1) Applicants for studies conducted in a foreign language in Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral degree programmes accredited at MU are required to pay admission procedure fees for studies conducted in a foreign language.
(2) An admission procedure fee for studies conducted in a foreign language is paid for each submitted application for studies conducted in a foreign language unless otherwise stipulated by the dean.
Section 5
Assessment of Admission Procedure Fees
The amount of an admission procedure fee set out in accordance with section 2 and the amount of an admission procedure fee for studies in a foreign language set out in accordance with section 4 for a given MU faculty is stipulated in a provision issued by the dean of that faculty no later than by 15 February of the calendar year in which the admission procedure is to take place.
Part Three
Study-related Fees
Section 6
Study-related Fees
(1) Study-related must be paid by students whose duration of studies in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme exceeds the standard duration of studies (section 2, subsection 1) by more than one year.
(2) When assessing the duration of studies which have exceeded the standard duration of studies by more than one year in accordance with subsection 1, the duration of time spent by a given student in all Bachelor's or Master's degree programmes terminated otherwise than in accordance with section 45, subsection 3 or section 46, subsection 3 of the Act, which were not implemented in parallel with studies in the current degree programme, shall be added to the duration of time spent studying in the current degree programme unless these studies constitute previous studies after which the student successfully completed a degree programme of the same type (section 2, subsections 2 and 3). In case such a student was simultaneously enrolled in several degree programmes terminated otherwise than by successful completion in a given period, the period is added only once. Interrupted studies or parental leave (section 21, subsection 1, letter f of the Act) are not added.
Section 7
Input Data Required for Prescribing Study-related Fees
(1) Input data required for establishing the obligation to pay study related fees include data:
a) derived directly from the MU register of students (hereinafter referred to as “academic records”),
b) obtained from registers of students from other Czech universities via the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports,
c) supplemented and amended on the basis of information provided by the student.
(2) The right to submit data specified in subsection 1, letters a) and c) pertains solely to persons authorized to administrate personal student data (hereinafter referred to as “academic records administrators”).
(3) Students are eligible for immediate access to data specified in subsection 1, but are not eligible to change such data of their own accord.
(4) Students have a right to require academic records administrators to revise data specified in subsection 1, letters a) and c) on the basis of materials evidencing the correctness of such data.
(5) Students are required to notify academic records administrators of mistakes in data specified in subsection 1 without delay.
Section 8
Study-Related Fee Payment Obligation
Study-related fees a student is obliged to pay are assessed separately for each of his or her studies in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree programme.
Section 9
Study-Related Fee Amount Assessment
The study-related fee amount charged to a student who, on the date of the fee assessment, has exceeded the standard duration of studies by more than one year:
a) by a further period of less than 6 months is stipulated as 24,000 CZK for a commenced six-month period of studies;
b) by a further period of over 6 months but less than 12 months is stipulated as 33,000 CZK for a commenced six-month period of studies;
c) by a further period of over 12 months but less than 18 months is stipulated as 42,000 CZK for a commenced six-month period of studies;
d) by a further period of over 18 months is stipulated as 51,000 CZK for a commenced six-month period of studies.
Section 10
Study-Related Fee Assessment
(1) Study-related fees which a student is under obligation to pay are assessed by the dean in accordance with section 58, subsection 3 and section 68, subsection 1 of the Act, pursuant to conditions stipulated in this Appendix, no later than 30 days following the establishment of the fact that a student has come under obligation to pay fees for studies.
(2) The issuance of such a decision is, in accordance with section 68, subsection 3 of the Act, the first action of the proceedings.
(3) Study-related fees are assessed on the basis of data listed in section 7, subsection 1.
Section 11
Appeals Against a Study-Related Fee Assessment Decision
(1) A student is entitled to request a review of a decision on the assessment of fees for studies in accordance with section 58, subsection 3 of the Act, no later than 30 days upon its announcement.
(2) A request submitted according to subsection 1 may also include a request for the reduction, waiving or postponement of date of payment associated with fees for studies. A student must provide evidence documenting grounds for lodging such a request.
(3) Submitting an application for the review of a decision on the assessment of fees for studies carries a dilatory effect regarding the date of payment relevant to such fees.
(4) A request for review of a decision on the assessment of fees for studies is submitted to the dean. The dean may accord the request independently and change or cancel the resolution due to conflict with the law, internal MU regulations or the regulations of a constituent part of MU. Otherwise, the dean shall pass the request to the Rector.
(5) The Rector may either amend or cancel a decision on the assessment of fees for studies issued in conflict with the law, internal MU regulations or the internal regulations of a constituent part of MU.
(6) In case the Rector fails to accord the student’s request and does not cancel the decision on the assessment of fees for studies pursuant to subsection 5, the Rector may waive or reduce fees for studies or postpone the term of payment thereof. In doing so the Rector may act without regard for the student’s request or the dean’s considerations. When issuing a decision, the Rector takes care to ensure equal treatment and decision-making predictability while also ensuring that the decision corresponds to circumstances associated with the rise of the obligation to pay fees. In doing so, the Rector takes into account all specifically relevant reasons. Such reasons include especially learning outcomes, university representation, social and health situations and family-related reasons.
Part Four
Study-related Fees in a Degree Programme Conducted in a Foreign Language
Section 12
A student enrolled in a degree programme conducted in a foreign language is under obligation to pay fees according to section 58, subsection 4 of the Act.
Section 13
Study-related Fee Amount Assessment in a Degree Programme Conducted in a Foreign Language
The study-related fee amount applicable to a degree programme conducted in a foreign language in accordance with section 12 at a particular MU faculty shall be determined by the dean of that faculty on the basis of, in particular, the economic demands associated with studies, the cost of ensuring the quality of studies and the current situation in similar fields of education, no later than by 15 February of the previous academic year.
Part Five
Foreign Country Education Evaluation Fee
Section 14
(1) The foreign country education evaluation fee must be paid by applicants for studies in Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral degree programmes accredited at MU who provide evidence of meeting the conditions for admission to studies in the form of a foreign country education document in accordance with section 48 subsection 4 letter d or subsection 5 letter c of the Act.
(2) The foreign country education evaluation fee amounts to a maximum of 20 % of the base as specified in section 58 subsection 2 of the Act.
Section 15
Assessment of the Foreign Country Education Evaluation Fee
The amount of the fee for evaluation of the foreign country education set out in accordance with section 14 for a given MU faculty is stipulated in a provision issued by the dean of the faculty no later than by 15 February of the calendar year in which the assessment procedure will start.
Part Six
Common Provisions
Section 16
Study-related fee amounts for an upcoming academic year determined in accordance with sections 5, 9, 13 and 15 will be published in the public section of the MU website and public sections of faculty websites, no later than on the last day of the application submission period.
Section 17
Study-related Fee Maturity
(1) Fees associated with admission procedures and with admission procedures conducted in a foreign language are due on the date of application submission at the latest.
(2) Study-related fees are due within 90 days of the fee assessment decision delivery date and at least 30 days after it enters into force.
(3) Study-related fees applicable to a degree programme conducted in a foreign language are due within 30 days of enrolment in a degree programme conducted in a foreign language unless otherwise specified by the dean.
Section 18
Study-related Fee Payment Options
Study-related fee payments are made via bank transfer to the MU bank account.
Section 19
Disciplinary Misdemeanour
(1) An infringement of duties stipulated in section 7, subsection 5, as well as failure to complete the payment of assessed fees for studies, may be considered a disciplinary misdemeanour in accordance with section 64 of the Act.
(2) An academic records administrator is under obligation to submit a suggestion initiating disciplinary proceedings to the dean of the faculty implementing the degree programme for which such fees have been assessed, no later than 30 days upon expiration of the payment term specified in section 17.
Appendix No. 3 to the MU Statutes
Rules Governing Financial and Non-Financial Deposits to Legal Entities
Section 1
Introductory Provisions
(1) Rules governing financial and non-financial deposits to legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the "rules") regulate legal relations associated with the participation of MU in other legal entities in terms of non-financial and financial deposits deposited in accordance with special legal regulations.
(2) These rules are issued on the basis of an authorizing provision in accordance with section 20, subsection 3 of the Act.
Section 2
General provisions
(1) MU may deposit financial or non-financial deposits into legal entities whose scope of activities is connected with MU educational and creative activities or whose activities are aimed at providing a more efficient utilization of MU human resources and assets.
(2) MU is not authorized to become a public company member entity or a limited partnership company complementary. MU may also not acquire shares issued by commercial corporations, with the exception of cases specified in section 19, subsection 3 of the Act.
(3) A financial deposit constitutes a sum of funds which MU undertakes to deposit into a legal entity for the purpose of initiating or increasing participation in that legal entity. A financial deposit cannot comprise financial resources received by MU as a contribution in accordance with section 18, subsection 3 or a subsidy in accordance with section 18, subsection 5 of the Act.
(4) A non-financial deposit constitutes a sum of financially appreciable values which MU undertakes to deposit into a legal entity for the purpose of initiating or increasing participation in that legal entity. A non-financial deposit cannot comprise immovable assets acquired into MU ownership from state ownership.
Section 3
Proposal for the Establishment of a Legal Entity or for Making a Deposit to a Legal Entity
(1) A proposal for the establishment of a legal entity or for the depositing of a financial or non-financial contribution to this or other legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the "proposal") may be presented to the Rector by a vice-rector, bursar, dean, university institute director or university facility director.
(2) The proposal must include the following:
a) a specification of the reasons, purpose and objectives of establishing a legal entity or for initiating participation in a legal entity;
b) a legal analysis of the steps leading to the establishment of a legal entity or for the initiation of participation in a legal entity;
c) a business plan, proposal of an initial balance sheet, establishment document, memorandum of incorporation or other founding document of the proposed legal entity or data on the assets and financial management outcomes of an already existing legal entity in which MU is to participate, including an economic assessment of the benefits of future MU participation in this legal entity;
d) a detailed specification of the deposit to be made by MU to this legal entity;
e) a specification of the material and non-material benefits to be gained by MU as a result of the activities of this legal entity;
f) an assessment of the return on investment;
g) an audit of the financial management or due diligence of the financial management;
h) a specification of the roles and contributions to this legal entity;
i) an examination of the integrity, potential conflict of interest and interconnection of individual partners or participants of this legal entity.
(3) Where the ownership structure assumes the participation of other natural or legal persons, the proposal shall include the following for each potential partner or legal entity participant:
a) an audit of the financial management or due diligence of the financial management;
b) a specification of the roles and contributions to this legal entity;
c) an examination of the integrity, potential conflict of interest and interconnection of individual partners or participants of this legal entity.
(4) In case a legal entity which MU participates in proposes a change to the legal form, registered capital amount, financial or non-financial contribution amount or structure or other changes which would affect the position of MU, the relevant documentation shall be submitted to the Rector by the representative of MU tasked with the performance of relevant functions in the statutory body of this legal entity. Subsections 2 and 3 shall be used as appropriate.
(5) A proposal submitted in accordance with subsection 4, approved by the Rector on the basis of an economic and legal assessment, is submitted to the MUAS for a statement.
(6) Once the MUAS issues a statement in accordance with subsection 5, the Rector's proposal and the MUAS statement are submitted to the MU Board of Trustees with a request for written consent.
(7) The establishment of a legal entity, changes to its legal form and financial or non-financial contributions to this or other legal entity are decided by the Rector following the issuance of written consent by the MU Board of Trustees in accordance with subsection 6 and following the submission of a notification to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Section 4
Persons Acting on behalf of MU in Bodies of Legal Entities with MU Participation
(1) With respect to the exercise of rights and obligations which MU derives from participation in a legal entity, the Rector is authorized to act on behalf of MU. The Rector may authorize another person or persons to act on behalf of MU, utilizing written power of attorney defining the extent of the authorization.
(2) In case MU is authorized to do so, the Rector proposes his or her representatives to be appointed or elected to the position of the statutory body or to the position of a member of the statutory body or a member of another body of the legal entity of which MU is a member (hereinafter referred to as "nominated persons"). The selection of nominated persons takes into account the professional focus of these persons in relation to the subject of the activity of the legal entity whose bodies they are nominated for as well as the fulfilment of conditions specified in section 46 of Act No. 90/2012 Coll., on Commercial Companies and Cooperatives, as amended.
(3) An agreement concluded by the Rector with the nominated persons referred to in section 2 shall include the following:
a) the obligation of a proposed person to protect the rights, legitimate interests and reputation of MU throughout his or her term of office in the body he or she was nominated for by MU,
b) the obligation of a proposed person to regularly inform the Rector or person authorized by the Rector in accordance with subsection 1 of topical issues associated with the legal entity which he or she was nominated to by MU, observing any issued instructions, and
c) adequate sanctions for a proposed person in the case of their non-fulfilment of obligations set out in letters a and b, applicable even in case the proposed person terminates their employment relationship with MU in the course of performing his or her duties.
(4) At least once a year, the Rector or a person authorized by the Rector in accordance with subsection 1 shall prepare a report on the activities and financial management of legal entities with MU participation.
(5) At least once a year, the Rector will present the MUAS with a summary report on the activities and financial management of legal entities with MU participation.
Appendix No. 4 to the MU Statutes
Rules Governing the Usage of Academic Insignia and Gowns and the Organization of Academic Ceremonies at MU
Part One
List and Description of MU Insignia and Gowns
Section 1
Insignia and gowns worn by academic officials constitute external expressions of the dignity, authority and responsibility of such officials on ceremonial occasions.
Section 2
(1) Rector's mace – length: 125 cm, mace head features a Bohemian lion with the Slovak coat of arms on the breast plate over a chalice and the Moravian and Silesian eagles, gilded silver, mace stem decorated with smoky quartz, crafted by V. Rada and L. Bartoníček (1938).
(2) Faculty of Law mace – length: 110 cm, mace head features an allegorical figure of Justice wielding a sword positioned on a spherical base over a lily blossom, gilded silver and silver, mace stem decorated with rose quartz, crafted by V. Rada and L. Bartoníček (1938).
(3) Faculty of Medicine mace – length: 107 cm, mace head comprises a serpent-entwined staff of Asclepius, gilded silver and silver, mace stem decorated with carnelians, crafted by V. Rada and L. Bartoníček (1938).
(4) Faculty of Science mace – length: 111 cm, mace head features a sun with rays and comet (on the left), Moon and a star positioned on a band, gilded silver, mace stem decorated with moldavites, crafted by V. Rada and L. Bartoníček (1938).
(5) Faculty of Arts mace – length: 109 cm, mace head features a globe composed of bands and an own perched on an open book, gilded silver, mace stem decorated with amethysts, crafted by V. Rada and L. Bartoníček (1938).
(6) Faculty of Education mace – mace length: 106 cm, mace head features a burning torch on a bowl-shaped base, gilded silver, mace stem decorated with artificial amethysts, crafted by E. Milén (1950, completed in 1967).
(7) Faculty of Pharmacy mace – mace length: 112 cm, mace head features a chalice with a serpent coiled around; outer surface is decorated with ornamental relief of medicinal plants, crafted by Karel Zeman (1999).
(8) Faculty of Economics and Administration mace – length: 113 cm, mace head comprises the winged helmet of Mercury, gilded silver and silver, mace stem decorated with topazes, crafted by M. Vitanovský (1995).
(9) Faculty of Informatics mace – mace length: 102 cm, mace head features a bowl with the fire of Prometheus, gilded bronze, head and stem decorated with amber, crafted by J. Gargulák (2007).
(10) Faculty of Social Studies mace – mace length: 106 cm, mace head comprises a cup, i.e. an interactive space between two face profiles, embedded clear quartz, gilded brass, mace stem decorated with almandines and chrysoprases, crafted by L. Joanidis (2004).
(11) Faculty of Sports Studies mace – mace length: 107 cm, mace head features a medal with the stylized letters F, S and S on the obverse and the inscription KALOKAGATHIA on the reverse, framed by a laurel wreath decorated with chrysoprases, gilded brass, torch-shaped stem, crafted by L. Joanidis (2006).
(12) A mace may only be carried by a bedel.
Section 3
(1) The chain consists of a collar (i.e. chain) and medallion.
(2) Rector's chain:
a) The Rector's medallion hangs from a chain composed of regularly alternating rectangular and circular links (two rectangles are always followed by a circle). The chain was crafted by O. Španiel a J. Benda (1935);
b) Rector's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: bust of T. G. Masaryk with his name circumscribed from right, reverse: dedication by T. G. Masaryk, facsimile of his signature and the date 7. 3. 1935, gold alloy, crafted by O. Španiel (1935).
(3) Vice-rector's chain:
a) The vice-rector's medallion hangs from a chain composed of regularly alternating rectangular and circular links. The chain was crafted by O. Španiel a J. Benda (1935);
b) Vice-rector's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: identical with the Rector's medallion, reverse: inscription Masaryk University in Brno and the medium coat of arms of the first Czechoslovak republic, gilded silver, crafted by O. Španiel (1935).
(4) Chains of the deans of the Faculty of Law, Medicine, Science, Arts, Education and Economics and Administration of MU:
a) The chains are identical. They consist of simple, regularly alternating rectangular and circular links (i.e. different from the link ordering of the original Rector's chain where two rectangles are always followed by a circle). The chains were crafted by O. Španiel a J. Benda (1935);
b) Faculty of Law dean's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: bust of A. Bráfa with his name circumscribed from left, reverse: fasces with axe and the inscription Lex dura sed lex, gilded silver, crafted by O. Španiel (1936);
c) Faculty of Medicine dean's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: bust of J. E. Purkyně with his name circumscribed from left, reverse: serpent-entwined staff of Asclepius and the inscription Medicinae munus – scientia de vita humana, gilded silver, crafted by O. Španiel (1936);
d) Faculty of Science dean's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: bust of G. Mendel with his name circumscribed from left, reverse: sun and stars and the inscription In natura spes et veritas, gilded silver, crafted by O. Španiel (1936);
e) Faculty of Arts dean's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: bust of F. Palacký with his name circumscribed from left, reverse: inscription Svoji k svému a vždy dle pravdy, gilded silver, crafted by O. Španiel (1936);
f) Faculty of Education dean's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: bust of J. A. Komenský with his name circumscribed from right, reverse: hands transmitting a burning torch and the inscription Traditio lampadis, gilded silver, crafted by V. A. Kovanič (1966–1967);
g) Faculty of Economics and Administration dean's medallion – Ø 65 mm, obverse: portrait of K. Engliš with his name circumscribed around the bust, reverse: inscription Výkonnost, hospodárnost, solidárnost, gilded silver, crafted by M. Vitanovský (1994).
(5) Faculty of Sports Studies dean's chain:
a) The chain is made up of irregular-shaped links interconnected by pairs of rings. Decorated with amber, the chain was crafted by J. Gargulák (2007);
b) The dean's medallion is an oval (120 x 90 mm), obverse: portrait of K. Gödel with a facsimile of his signature, reverse: ligature of the letters F and I, gilded bronze, crafted by J. Gargulák, 2007.
(6) Faculty of Social Studies dean's chain:
a) The chain consists of hollow rectangular-shaped links. The chain was crafted by L. Joanidis (2004);
b) Dean's medallion – Ø 70 mm, profile of two heads and a cup, one-sided, the hanging stem is decorated with a gem (chrysoprase), gilded brass, crafted by L. Joanidis, 2004.
(7) Faculty of Sports Studies dean's chain:
a) The chain consists of stylized laurel leaves. The chain was crafted by L. Joanidis (2006);
b) Dean's medallion – 65 mm in diameter, obverse: stylized letters F, S and S, reverse: KALOKAGATHIA inscription, gilded brass, crafted by L. Joanidis (2006).
(8) Faculty of Pharmacy dean's chain:
a) The chain consists of hexagonal links reminding of the benzene structure. In the middle of the hexagons, the structure of the adamantane drug and the stylized receptor are depicted on a gold enamel base, and they alternate with the sculptures of medicinal plants (mullein, St. John's wort, foxglove and nightshade). The hexagonal pendant is decorated with three blue semi-precious stones (lapis lazuli) and a pearl. The chain was crafted by Karel Zeman (1999).
b) Dean’s medallion – 65 mm in diameter, allegorical representation of pharmacy in the form of a female semi-nude with typical attributes of the discipline: snake, chalice and scales and an inscription “Facultas Pharmaceutica”, gilded silver. The medallion was crafted by Karel Zeman (1999).
Section 4
(1) The following gowns are worn exclusively with the appropriate chains.
a) Rector's gown – red with ermine collar, red cap.
b) Vice-rectors' gowns – black with velvet collars and blue inserts on the front, black caps.
c) Deans' gowns – black with velvet collars and trimming in faculty colours, black caps.
d) Vice-deans' gowns – black with velvet collars, black caps.
e) Promoter's gown – same as a vice-dean's gown.
(2) The following gowns are worn without chains.
a) Bursar's gown – black with a grey collar and trimming, black and gray cap.
b) MUAS chair's gown – black with velvet collar and blue trimming, black cap.
c) members of scientific boards, graduates of doctoral degree programmes and associate professors – black robes without caps.
d) Rector's bedel's gown – black with red velvet collar and beret.
e) Faculty (deans') bedels' gowns – gowns and berets in faculty colours.
(3) Faculty colours:
a) Faculty of Medicine – red
b) Faculty of Law – purple
c) Faculty of Science – green
d) Faculty of Arts – blue
e) Faculty of Education – orange
f) Faculty of Pharmacy – smoky blue
f) Faculty of Economics and Administration – magenta
g) Faculty of Informatics – yellow
h) Faculty of Social Studies – emerald
i) Faculty of Sports Studies – turquoise
Part Two
Use of Insignia and Gowns at Academic Ceremonies Held at MU
Section 5
Matriculation Ceremony
This traditional academic ceremony constitutes the formal admission of a student to the academic community of a faculty and of MU. The Rector (vice-rector), dean, vice-deans and all relevant bedels attend the ceremony in gowns and with insignia. Students participate in the ceremony in social dress and in the absence of guests.
Section 6
Graduation Ceremony and the Presentation of Appointment Decrees to Associate Professors
(1) The graduation ceremony is a traditional academic ceremony where graduates of Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral degree programmes and persons who have successfully passed Advanced Master's state examinations are awarded university diplomas and diploma supplements.
(2) Associate professors who have successfully completed a habilitation procedure at MU are presented with appointment decrees and other relevant documents in a separate ceremony.
(3) The Rector, promoter, deans (vice-deans) and bedels participating in a graduation ceremony and in the presentation of appointment decrees to associate professors attend the ceremony in gowns and with insignia. Graduating alumni of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs as well as any guests attend the ceremony in formal dress. All other graduates attend the ceremony in black gowns.
Section 7
Ceremonial Awarding of Honorary Degrees and Great Gold Medals of MU
(1) The honorary degree of doctor honoris causa is the highest honours awarded by MU. The Rector, promoter, vice-rectors, deans, promoter and bedels attend the ceremony in gowns and with insignia; the bursar, MUAS chair and members and members of faculty scientific boards attend the ceremony in gowns; the MU Board of Trustees chair attends the ceremony in formal dress. Representatives of Czech as well as foreign universities and guests of honour – representatives of public and social institutions – participate in the ceremony on the basis of an official written invitation.
(2) The ceremonial awarding of Great Gold Medals of MU is almost identical to the ceremonial awarding of honorary degrees, the use of gowns and insignia is identical. However, on significant occasions, a Great Gold Medal of MU may be conferred without the need for a full-scale ceremony. In such a case, it must be presented by the Rector, accompanied – if possible – by a vice-rector or a vice-dean, both wearing chains.
Section 8
Inauguration of the Rector and Deans
(1) Of all academic ceremonies, this is the most important and most solemn. The retiring and incoming Rector both attend in gowns and with insignia (the chain is initially worn by the retiring Rector who passes it on to his or her successor during the ceremony); all deans and bedels also attend in gowns and with insignia. The MUAS chair and bursar attend in gowns. The MU Board of Trustees chair, MUAS members and members of faculty academic senates attend the inauguration in formal dress. Representatives of Czech as well as foreign universities and guests of honour – representatives of public and social institutions (including the minister, deputies, senators, etc.) – participate in the ceremony on the basis of an official written invitation.
(2) The use of insignia and gowns during the inauguration of a dean is similar to the inauguration of the Rector.
Section 9
Additional MU Ceremonies
(1) The Dies academicus ceremony is attended by the Rector, vice-rectors, deans, MUAS chair and bedels, all in gowns and with insignia.
(2) The presentation of certificates to University of the Third Age graduates takes place in a ceremonial manner; the event is attended by the Rector (vice-rector), vice-rector and bedels in gowns and with insignia. Graduates attend the ceremony in formal dress.
(3) The use of gowns or insignia is not prescribed for selected MU ceremonial occasions (e.g. the presentation of gold, silver and bronze medals of MU).
Section 9a
Use of Fanfares at MU
(1) MU fanfares shall be used only for special academic ceremonies of MU. The use of fanfares on other occasions shall be decided by the Rector.
(2) Fanfares:
a) Rector’s fanfare – Rector’s arrival
b) Dean’s fanfare – arrival of deans and vice-rectors
c) Fanfare for arrival – arrival of other academic officials
d) Fanfare for departure – departure of all academic officials
e) Oath – a short fanfare after taking the oath (e.g. during a graduation ceremony for doctor honoris causa)
f) Short fanfare for an important moment of the ceremony (e.g. awarding a medal etc.)
Part Three
Use of insignia and gowns at ceremonies held outside of MU
Section 10
(1) The use of insignia and gowns outside of MU is authorized either by the Rector or by a dean. When determining the extent of the use of insignia, the requirements and wishes of the organizer of a given ceremony are taken into account.
(2) A gown along with the relevant chain but with no mace is used at ceremonies organized by other universities (inaugurations, awarding of honorary academic degrees, etc.), at presentations of certificates appointing professors and at meetings with representatives of the state, if so prescribed.
(3) A chain but no gown is used at festivities where gowns are not required or not allowed. A chain but no gown may also be used e.g. at the funeral of a prominent member of the academic community.
(4) When an academic official is tasked with representing another, he or she uses the insignia pertaining to the represented official.