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Courses taught
Spring 2009 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Optimal Control and Filtering in Economics
- Political Economics
- Primer in Applied Economics
- Quantitative Economics
- Seminar in History of Economic Theories
- Social Policy for National Economists
- Special Seminar
- Special Seminar: Dissertation
- Special Working Experience
- Stochastic processes
- The Transformation of the Czech Economy and its Economic Policy
- Theoretical Seminar in Economics
- Theory of Econometrics I
- Theory of Estimation and Theory of Testing Statistical
- Theory of Social Order
- Topics in Macroeconomics
- Transformation of Czech Economy
- World Economy
Autumn 2008 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- CZS21
- Application of Economic-Mathematical Models
- Busines Law (Selected issues)
- Comparison of Economic Theories
- Compulsory Traineeship in a CR/EU Institution (PEST, PESTE)
- Contemporary Economic Theories
- Czech Economic Society
- Developement of Economic Theory
- Diploma Thesis Seminar
- Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 (PEDS2, PEDSE2)
- Dynamics Systems
- Economic History for Students of National Economy
- Economic Policy
- Economic Policy II
- Economic Policy of the European Union
- Economic Theories (KEEKTE, PEEKTE)
- Economics of State Intervention
- EU Structural Policy
- History of economic theories
- Introduction to Public Policy
- Journalism for Economists
- Macroeconomic Analysis
- Macroeconomic Regulation
- Macroeconomics for Public Administration
- Main Trends of Economic Thinking
- Market Theory
- Market, Finance and Global Problems
- Mathematical Economics
- Mathematical Methods in Economics I
- Mathematical models of regulation
- Microeconomics (D_MI, KEMIKR, KEMIKR_T)
- Microeconomics for Public Administration
- Microeconomics I (PEMIAI, PEMIKI)
- Microeconomics II (KEMIK2, PEMIK2)
- Monetary Economics
- Multidimensional dynamical systems
- Open Economy Theory
- Philosophy and Metodology of Economics
- Principles of Economics (KEZE, PEZE)
- Quantitative Economics (D_KEFIN, D_QO)
- Quantitative economy
- Reginal policy
- Regression analysis
- Seminar in Microeconomics II
- Social Policy and Labour Market
- Special Working Experience
- Stochastic dynamic models of general balance
- The Transformation of the Czech Economy and its Economic Policy
- Theoretical Seminar in Economics
- Theory of Econometrics
- Theory of Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- Theory of Monetary Institutions
- Theory of Open Economy_M
- World Economy (KESHOS, KESHOS_T, PESHOA)