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Courses taught
Spring 2000 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
Autumn 1999 at Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Busines Law (Selected issues)
- Contemporary Economic Theories
- Diploma Seminar A
- Diploma Seminar B
- Economic History for Economists
- Economic Policy
- Economic Policy II
- Economic Theories Comparison
- Introduction to Macroeconomics
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Introduction to Microeconomics (A)
- Journalism for Economists
- Labour Market and Employment Policy (National Economy)
- Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecast
- Macroeconomic Regulation
- Macroeconomics
- Macroeconomy
- Main Trends of Economic Thinking
- Microeconomics
- Monetary policy for Economists
- Regional Economics
- Selected Problems of Economic Theory (D_VPETP, D_VPETT)
- Selected Problems of Social Policy
- Social Policy and Labour Market
- Theoretical Seminar in Economics
- Theory of Econometrics
- Theory of Fiscal and Monetary Policy
- Theory of Macroeconomic Policy
- Theory of Open Economics
- World Economy (DSHO, SHOS)