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Courses taught
Spring 2016 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Texts from the General Sociology I
- The public and the civic society
- Theoretical Sociology I
- Thesis Project (SAN240, SAN242, SAN246, SAN247, SAN257, SAN258, SAN264, SAN265, SOC241a, SOC535a, SOC749)
- Thesis Project- GEN
- Thesis Project- SAN
- Thesis Project-Urban Study
- Thesis Seminar (GEN109, GEN509)
- Thesis seminar (SOC241, SOC535)
- Thesis seminar GEN
- Thesis seminar SAN
- Thesis seminar Urbánní studia
- Thesis Writing Seminar
- Transnational Studies
- Urban Sociology
- UrbanTransformation
- Writing Sociology
Autumn 2015 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Aging
- Anthropological Research
- Anthropological Theories
- Anthropology and Islam
- Anthropology of Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- ATHOS: Social Theory Seminar
- Beginner's seminar of Introduction to Sociology
- Classical sociological theories
- Classical sociological theory
- Community, Art, and Research
- Contemporary Cultural Sociology
- Creative Writing in Sociology
- Cultural Anthropology of Post-Socialism
- Culture, Tradition, Heritage
- Data Analysis
- Didactic seminar
- Diploma Seminar for Bachelor Thesis (SAN241, SAN243)
- Dissertation preparation
- Dissertation Project I.
- Dissertation Project II.
- Dissertation Projects Seminar
- Dissertation Thesis Seminar (SOC920a, SOC920b)
- Dissertation Writing Seminar I.
- Ethnographic Methods and Field Research
- Ethnography and Fieldwork
- Field Sociology II
- Gender and Law in the Czech Republic and European Union
- Gender and Legislation in the Czech Republic and EU
- Gender and the Media
- Gender Structure of Society I.
- Gender Structure of Society II
- Gendered Structure of Society I.
- Gendered Structure of Society II.
- Gendered Structure of Society Seminar
- General Sociology
- Guide to Sociology
- Historical Sociology
- History of Social Anthropology
- History of Women's and Feminist Movement (GEN102, GEN502)
- Housing Sociology and Housing Policy
- Chapters in Cultural Sociology
- Independent Study
- Internship
- Internship II.
- Introduction to Atlas.ti
- Introduction to Cultural Sociology
- Introduction to Social Anthropology
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to Sociology for non-sociologists
- Introduction to sociology of law
- Kinship and Social Network
- Methodological Seminar
- Methodology of social sciences
- Migration, Transnationalism and the City
- Narrative Interwiew
- Population Change in Contemporary Europe