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Courses taught
Spring 2008 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Social anthropology and city
- Social problems via gender optics
- Social reproduction and integration
- Sociální antropologie lokálních kultur: Češi v Rumunsku
- Sociological Aspects of Migration
- Sociological jurisprudence
- Sociology of Art
- Sociology of Culture (SOC133, SOC733)
- Sociology of modernization: religion and secularism
- Sociology of Organization and Bureaucracy
- Sociology of religion
- Sociology of stratification and inequality
- Sociology of stratification and unequality
- Sociology of the Family
- Sociology Proseminar (SOC470, SOC776)
- State Exam
- State Examination
- Texts from the General Sociology I
- The public and the civic society
- Theoretical Sociology II
- Thesis Project (SOC492, SOC493, SOC494, SOC495, SOC496, SOC497, SOC498, SOC499, SOC500, SOC501, SOC503, SOC504, SOC505, SOC506, SOC507, SOC508, SOC509)
- Thesis seminar (GEN109, SAN218, SAN219, SAN221, SOC201, SOC202, SOC203, SOC204, SOC205, SOC206, SOC207, SOC208, SOC209, SOC210, SOC212, SOC213, SOC214, SOC215, SOC216, SOC217, SOC218, SOC219, SOC220, SOC221, SOC222, SOC224, SOC471, SOC472, SOC473, SOC474, SOC475, SOC476, SOC477, SOC478, SOC479, SOC480, SOC482, SOC483, SOC484, SOC485, SOC486, SOC487)
- Thesis Seminar (GEN509, SOC801, SOC802, SOC803, SOC804, SOC805, SOC806, SOC807, SOC808)